Women's Issues

Irregular bleeding after nifaas

Q: A woman gave birth. Continuous bleeding continued for 36 days. It stopped at 36 days. After 7 days, bleeding started again for 10 days. Then she had 10 days of no bleeding. After that, bleeding began continuously for a month (and may continue like this for months).

Her previous nifaas habit was 40 days. Before pregnancy, her last habit was 7 days haidh and 21 clean days.

She calculated the nifaas as a full forty days. She then began performing salaah, despite the bleeding. When the bleeding began 23 days after the 40-day nifaas, she stopped performing salaah for full 10 days. She then took ghusl and began performing salaah. Now 13 days of bleeding have passed after the ghusl.

a) Uptil now, has she acted correctly?

b) Currently, should she stop performing salaah after 15 days or after 21 days as was her habit previously before pregnancy?

c) Should she calculate her haidh as 7 days or 10 days, as she is bleeding continuously?

She is not sure if she should stop her salaah in 2 days or not, or if she should have stopped already.

Woman following a tuhr cycle every month


1. Do women have to follow their tuhr cycle every month? I do not have a fixed tuhr period. Some months it is 20 days, 21 days, then another month 16 days. I may get a same tuhr period for two months sometimes. But most of the time it is unfixed. For years I am counting my periods like this - if I get a bleeding after 15 days from the last period, I treat it as period. Can you please tell if this is the correct way of calculating periods or do I have to follow my previous month’s tuhr period?

2. Almost a year ago. it happened that I forgot my habit of period. I forgot how many days it was. After much contemplation, I felt that my habit was 8 days. Since then, I have been practicing upon it. Is that correct?

Calculating haidh for a woman who has never experienced a minimum of 15 complete days of tuhr

Q: I am confused regarding my haidh. Please advise.

I get haidh consisting of red blood for around 7-8 days each month. The rest of the month I get a discharge (varying between clear, white and yellow, most of the time it is yellow).

I used to consider my haidh as 10 days (the 7 or 8 days of blood and 2 or 3 days of discharge). Then I would make a ghusl and make wudhu for every salaah thereafter until I see blood again.

I do not get my haidh on the same days of the month (i.e. a few days before or after the last date). For the past 5 years, my haidh has been like this. I used to get my haidh for two years prior to these 5 years, but unfortunately I did not record my cycle (I think it was the same like the 5 years).

Below is the days I've recorded as haidh for the past year in the manner as stated above:

- 8 Oct - 18 Oct
- 11 Nov - 21 Nov
- 17 Dec - 27 Dec


- 17 Jan - 27 Jan
- 11 Feb - 21 Feb
- 21 Mar - 31 Mar
-27 Apr - 6 May
- 31 May- 10 Jun
- 1 Jul - 11 Jul
- 31 Jul - 10 Aug

Please advise.

Making qadha if haidh started during a salaah time


1. My menstruation cycle is regular in the sense that I have 14 clean days, 1 day istihaza and 10 days haiz. It's the same every time. So it starts at 4.43pm. I am usually always alert about performing my asr salaah before the time of haiz starts. Unfortunately today I was unwell earlier and had to sleep and over slept and only awoke after the time of haiz began. Will this asr Salaah be considered as qaza?

2. As a saahib tartib if I make ghusl and I have only enough time to perform the fard salaah and not the qazaa. When do I read the qazaa?