Women's Issues

Woman getting pregnant with another man's child during iddat and aborting the child

Q: Can you please help me with the Islamic ruling on the following:

1. If a woman in her iddah falls pregnant from another man during her iddah through adultery, how does that affect her iddah? She was not pregnant at the time the talaaq was given. She has not had relations with her husband at all for 4 months before the talaaq was given and neither after (they slept in different bedrooms). She had one menstrual cycle during the iddah and fell pregnant in month 2 with another man's child. This was the second talaaq as the husband issued one talaaq on a previous occassion but took her back during the iddah period. How will she proceed with the iddah?

2. If she aborts, how does that affect the iddah?

Husband being responsible for wife's maintenance during iddat

Q: Unfortunately I am in the process of separating from my wife and she will be commencing Iddat soon.

She has decided to stay at her parents' home during her Iddat and her family have asked me to pay for her cost of living during this time, she has told me to decide on the figure I should pay to her after consulting with a scholar.

I have returned all of her clothes to her from our matrimonial home.

I understand that the usual responsibilities I should pay for her are shelter, food and clothing. (She will be spending the time at her parents' house, and has her clothing).

Please advise on what the monetary total I should be paying her is as I am unable to calculate an exact amount.

I am unsure if this has any bearing on the Mas'alah but for clarity, the decision to separate was made by my wife (although she did not ask for khula). She has been living at her parents' house since January and I have not seen her since. The decision to spend Iddat at her parents' home was also made by herself.

Seeing brown discharge after haidh

Q: I have a question regarding haidh

1. I get a brown discharge all the time sometimes it's light sometimes dark. So because of this, as soon as 15 days are up since my last haidh and I see this brown discharge I start counting it as my haidh even if I'm not bleeding but I was told I'm counting wrong I must count it 20 clean days and 10 napaak days because I never had a completely clean 15 days without spotting. As far as I can remember I always had discharges in my clean days. How am I supposed to count my days?

2. If I have to count it 20 clean days then to get my days right by re counting the easiest will be from after my baby wa born, that was 20 August 2019. She was born and I had a 40 day nifaas because I was discharging till the end and even after the 40 days were up I was discharging. How should I re count my days?

3. I don't get a yellow discharge all the time, it's occasionally. Does it count as a starting of a haidh if I get only a yellow discharge and during my haidh days if I get only yellow does it count as haidh?