Good Character

Faking a degree and getting someone else to submit one's papers


  1. I have done 3 years Diploma in Electrical and have experience overseas. Now I moved to a developed country and started working as an electrician. If you have extensive experience you can work as an engineer. But you still need qualification to go to high in rank and good pay. So is it possible to make a fake bachelor degree and on that fake degree if I get admission in university in Master Program is that allowed in Islam?
  2. Now I am doing masters from university and going on Hajj this year Insha Allah. Now that hajj is coming in the middle of my semester is it allowed that my friend do the remaining assignments on my behalf and submit it? According to university rules nobody can submit on someone elses behalf.

Please guide me.

Overlooking the faults of others

Q: I am a divorced woman and had a painful life with my ex for 28 years. I did not fight or argue with him because of his bad manners and the disrespectful words that he used all the time. He abused me mentally and emotionally until the divorce took place. He had passed away couple of years ago.  I have all the bad memories with him, however my children are asking me to go to his grave to say that I have forgiven him and that I am free of all the pain and emotions that were because of him. They say that it will heal me and make me happy. I have verbally forgotton him in my duas many times but in my heart the pain is there. What should I do to clean my heart from him? I am thinking that why should I have to visit his grave while I was divorced and had no contact with him for a long time and still asking Allah Almighty to clean my heart. Your advice according to shariah will be appriciated for visiting his grave and saying those words.

Speaking lies

Q: If someone lied to someone, but that lie neither caused the person harm nor benefits the one who lied. The one who spoke a lie is already ashamed for his this act in front of Allah so still is there any need that he should rectify by revealing to that person too?