Good Character


Q: Is the following regarded as the person being dishonest?

Eg, person A asks person B about a certain event that had taken place during the weekend.. Now, person A knows that it had happened, and many other people know that that event took place and they also know that person B witnessed the event that took place, yet, when person B was asked if he was aware of knowing, his answer was ' I don't know, yes I was at that particular place at that time but I don't know if that event took place' ......the best part is that later on, person B admitted that he witnessed the event, yet, he argues that by him saying 'I don't know' doesn't mean that he was lying in the least bit... Mufti, was he lying when he was initially asked??

And also he comes up with a weird excuse that he knew person A was aware of the event etc, that's why he said he didn't know?? Yes, as childish as it seems, that's what he said.....

Insulting people

Q: We find many people broadcasting jokes about Julius Malema, Jacob Zuma, Barrack Obama, Blonde Jokes, Indian Jokes, etc. What is the status of these jokes in Shariah? If an article has been prepared on this topic I will indeed forward it to all my contacts Insha Allah.

Deceiving in order to receive more money from a government fund

Q: I live in Holland. A friend of us is cheating the social security with his mariagal status. The point is that a married couple will get about 1200 euros from the social security, but this friend did divorce on paper so that his wife could get a seperate social security of about 1000 and he himself about 900 euros. We have advised him several times that he should stop with this and change the situation how it should be i.e. registered as married and thus in case of need only 1 social security income. The person has also 2 children from his brother in Ghana on his name and thus was also getting money for them from the law. My question is, is it aloud to report him due the cheatings he is doing, so that they will stop him. He will have to pay back the money he received unjustly.

I lied on my resume

Q: I had another question that has been bothering me recently. I did my medical school in my native country. I am an old graduate of medical school and I have started PhD in public health in the US from this summer. It was possible to enrol into a PhD program because the university offered me a full scholarship for PhD. The only thing I regret is that for admission and scholarship to the university, I lied on my resume and personal statement that I was the best student in my class during medical school but the transcripts and recommendation letters submitted were completely authentic and the university also verified them by requesting a sealed official copy. So the lying was only on the resume and personal statement. But maybe it was overlooked by the university and they gave me admission and a full scholarship. After I enrolled myself in the PhD program, the Program Director has introduced me twice in various meetings that I was the best student from my country. Now I feel that my troubles are because I lied to get the admission and particularly the scholarship and that has now resulted in Allah giving me multiple problems in my career. I cannot inform the university about this or the Program Director who gave me admission and scholarship as I do not want to be labelled a liar but I want to know how do I repent for this sin to avoid any troubles because of this. The other issue is that I have circulated my CV to my advisor as well and other post-doctoral fellows with this lie and I would have to continue doing this for the next five years because I now cannot change it if they ask for my CV again. Kindly advise in light of Islamic teachings because my only intention was to get admission and a scholarship and was not to harm anyone by this.