Good Character

Thoughts of showing off

Q: If you get thoughts, urges or daydream about showing off your worship to other people so they will praise you but you don't act on the thoughts or urges, would you be still a sinful? Basically they are just thoughts, desires and urges of showing off in your heart but you don't physically show off.

If you get thoughts or daydream or images in your mind of shirk and kufr but never act on them physically, they are just in your mind, would you come out of Islam or become a disbeliever? 

Not exposing one's sins

Q: I wanted to ask which sin is lesser of the two evils, exposing one's sin or lying? I am asking because if someone asks if you have comitted a sin, is it permissible to lie and say you haven't? Would that be better than exposing your sin? In a situation where you cannot avoid the question?

Lying to one's mother

Q: I told a lie to my mom that I passed my paper because she takes too much tension. Just to avoid her depression I told her that I passed and now she is offering 50 nafal of shukr... I regret telling a lie but I am afraid to tell her the truth. What should I do?

Saying that someone is busy when answering a call

Q: I served in a Pvt Limited Company. Part of my job is to receive phone calls and to transfer it to my senior's and boss. Sometimes, I receive a phone call and when I transfer it to my boss, he tells me to tell the caller that he is busy in meeting or not available in the office whereas he is free and present. The issue is, it is a lie. Will I be sinning for speaking lies?