Good Character

Laughing at someone


1. If someone is short or black, will laughing at them be kufr because Allah made them like that? It will be as if a person is indirectly laughing at Allah's decision.

2. I heard in a hadith that Moosa (alaihis salaam) was dark in complexion (black or something). Will it mean that making fun of someone who's black because he is black like indirectly laughing at Moosa (alaihis salaam) too.

Discussing one's sins with others

Q: I understand that it is a sin to discuss one's sin with a friend due to it showing a lack of shame. What if I am the one who hasn't committed the sin, but it's my friend that is talking about matters that relates to his sins with me? How should I handle these conversations despite already trying to give da'wah? Do I get sins also for indulging or contributing to this conversation since it might be displeasing to Allah? 

Facing the feet towards the qiblah

Q: Is keeping the feet towards the qibla sinful? In hajj many people keep their feet towards the qibla and sit there or recite Quran like this.

If someone has to read salah lying on the bed, doesn't he have to keep his feet towards qibla?

At the place of weekly talim I always have to sit at tashahud position keeping my back towards the qibla as the seating arrangement is like this, so many of our feet is towards the qibla. Do I suggest to them to change the arrangements? 

Speaking lies to get citizenship

Q: I have a relative of mine who has come here 7 years go, first as a visitor and than claimed asylum saying to the immigration that her husband has used domestic violence on her and her daughters just to stay in the UK. Her husband had agreed to put that claim in with her at the time. 5 years ago her husband has gone back to his country and had applied for a visa for the UK on a number of times and has been rejected because of the wife's claim of asylum. The daughters don't know who their dad is, one is 9 and the other is 7. Their mother is persistent to get the UK visa regardless how it's affecting her daughters. She is lying to stay in the UK and is getting support money too. Obviously her means of staying in the UK are nothing, just a British passport. What does Islam say about this? 

Dua for yawning

Q: Someone mentioned that when one yawns then this is from Shaytaan and one should recite ta'awwuz.

1. Is this correct, and applicable all the time?

2. Should one recite أعوذ... Every time one yawns

3. Is there mention of this in the hadith, and what is the hadith.

4. Similarly with regards to yawning softly without making a noise, is this mentioned in hadith?