Good Character

Concealing the faults of a person

Q: I have been forced in making a kassam to something which someone confided in me! It is something un-Islamic which I think the person's parents should know about! Recently the persons parents asked me if I knew what this person was up to and I just acted like I don't really know anything. After I have made a kassam is it allowed for me to tell the persons parents?

Father cursing his son

Q: If a father says to his son "if it's true that you committed what I suspect you, May Allah curse you" and surely the son committed what his father suspected him (Though the father has confidence his son will never do that due to his (son's) good character). Now:

1. What is the ruling on that curse?

2. Is the son still a Muslim?

3. Can the son, despite being cursed pave his way to paradise?

4. If surely Allah cursed a person, he distanced him from his mercy, how could that son draw nearer to Allah's mercy.

5. The father is quite happy with the son as I write this, because he obeys whatever he asks him to do, not knowing the son is cursed by him. What is your advice to the son?

Classmates taking pictures of an exam paper from the teacher's laptop

Q: In our class some boys took an exam paper from our teachers laptop when he was out and they took pictures of it and maybe that is the same paper which the teacher is going to give us for the final exam. They did a wrong thing. I didn't have the courage to stop them. What should I do now? If I complain then all the boys will be saying bad words to me and they will mock me etc. But I dont need sin. And maybe if they dont get that paper then they will fail and maybe need to repeat the whole year (so much time and money will go to waste waste). What should I do?