
Method of embracing Islam

Q: If someone wants to revert to Islam, how do they take the shahadah? Kindly tell me those words (the shahdah) which one has to utter.

As far I know, it is like is, La ila ha illalahu mohammadur rasululah.

Are these words sufficient for the shahadah to again become a Muslim because it is basically called the first kalimah in Islam. Are there are some other words fro shahadah (for a person to again enter in Islam)?

Studying iridology

Q: I would like to enquire if it is permissible to study a diploma in Iridology. It's got to do with diagnosing conditions by looking into a persons eye to detect nutrional deficiencies and conditions etc. Please advise if Iridology is permisible within shariah especially when it comes to our Aqaaid.

Secular education

Q: What is the role of secular studies in Islam or what is the stance of Islam on secular or dunyawi education?

1. Is it permissible, is it recommended, is it a haqq of a Muslim, is it of any any benefit or harm?

2. Should a man get dunyawi education and should a woman get dunyawi education, and upto what level?

Purchasing items during festive season sales

Q: During the November and December seasons, stores and businesses across the country have X mas, Black Friday and festive season sales.

Is it ok to purchase an item on sale during these times, not because of the festive seasons, etc. but simply because, example a sandal is 50 percent off if purchased between Nov -Dec.

Also, if a person takes a car for a service, and the company offers an extra car service at a discounted price during this time, would it be ok to get a service at a discounted price... or should a person wait for maybe January and then do a service and pay the full price or purchase example, a sandal in January at a full price?