Jamaat Salaah and Imaamat

Large gap between saffs in jamaat salaah

Q: For the saffs of the men, we understand that there should be continuity, and a gap larger than 2 saffs between saffs will cause the link to be broken, thus the salaah of those behind the gap will not be valid. (In the situation where there isn't any river, etc. inbetween).

What is the ruling regarding saff continuity for ladies? If a masjid has a room at the back, but between the last saff of the men and the women's room is a large gap, would the ladies salaah be permissible behind the imam? (assuming all other conditions are fulfilled such as the imam making niyyat for leading the ladies).

Father not following his son in salaah

Q: A father asks his son to vote for a particular candidate in electionbut he doesn't obey his father and supports someone else. Now the father gets angry with his son and abuses him on several occasions. This person (the son) leads prayers in the local mosque but his father doesn't follow him in congregation. The question is that what should the other people do? Should they follow him or not?

Students performing jamaat salaah in a hostel

Q: We are hostellers, 3 friends (age 20-22) in one room and we have kept a separate place on the balcony of our room for jammat namaz where 4- 6 people (or more) can easily adjust without any problem. I heard a hadith that one who does not offer jammat salaah if he/she can, when he/she will be inside grave, his/her face will be moved away from the qiblah.

I told my friends about the hadith and one of my friends asked me who will be the imaan from amongst us since we all make mistakes. If anyone of us will be an imaam and if he makes a mistake, he will get the sin of the muqtadi's (people standing behind the imaam) also.

My point of view is that no one is perfect but we can try. If with full attention, concentration, seriousness, students like us would like to lead the jamaat of other students (even after knowing that we are not perfect), would it be wrong? 

Imaam making masah on socks

Q: The place where I live is a very cold place so the imam of the mosque always wears normal socks and does masah on the socks. Is it better to pray behind him without doubting or pray behind him and repeat the namaz make jamaat at home with one's family members? Which option do you recommend?

Second jamaat in the musjid

Q: There is a masjid inside a university where many Muslim students live, but it often does not have any jamaat salaah on Sundays, though the Friday prayer is held there.

An imam is appointed for the masjid, but he often does not come for Fajr, Isha and prayers on weekends (maybe because he lives far from the university). When the imam is not present, anyone leads the prayer. Is it correct to start a 2nd jamaat after the imam has already led the 1st jamaat salaah?