Jamaat Salaah and Imaamat

Performing Salaah between pillars

Q: In a Masjid, a row is usually left empty after every few rows, as it has several pillars.

1. If it is left empty, is the Salah of those behind it valid?

2. Is Salah valid between the pillars?

3. Once, people prayed in that row to the right of a pillar, but to the left of the pillar the row was empty. Was the Salah of those who prayed to the right of the pillar valid?

Women reading Taraweeh in jamaat


1. I wanted to know if two women are reading Taraweeh together, must the one leading for those rakaats stand a little forward and the one following a little behind, or must they stand in line?

2. If one woman isn't reading, can she sit with a Qur'aan next to the one who's reading Taraweeh, and correct her if she makes a mistake ? (The one reading will be reciting in a slightly audible tone, is this permissible as well?)

Performing salaah with an empty space in the saff in front

Q: If one prays in congregation, but due to people praying ahead, he cannot join the saffs ahead, is it permissible:

1. To pray behind an empty space between him and the safs ahead where more than two safs can be formed?

2. OR should he pass in front of musalles to go ahead? What about in the Haram Shareef in Makkah Mukarramah and Masjid Nabwi? Are we allowed to pass in front of musalles?

3. If one prayed behind with an empty space ahead, does the salah need to be repeated?

4. If needs to be repeated, if the prayed salah was janazah, what intention to make for the repeated salah, nafl as janazah salah perhaps cannot be repeated?

Is it permissible to perform Esha salaah in a house where one will be performing taraweeh?

Q: I have been offered by my uncle to perform taraweeh salaah with two cousins of mine at his house. His house is between a musjid and a jamaat khana and is 650m from both. I wanted to find out if we are performing taraweeh there, can we perform the esha salaah there as well or not? 

Second jamaat in the musjid

Q: If due to rain in certain parts of the world, Maghrib and Isha’ are prayed together in the masjid. Would it be permissible for Hanafis to conduct a second congregational Isha’ prayer in that masjid, because it is forbidden to conduct second congregation prayer in a masjid?