Jamaat Salaah and Imaamat

Hanafi Imaam reciting qunoot in Fajr Salaah in a predominantly Shafiee masjid

Q: When the Shaafiee Imaam is not here, the musallis ask me to lead the Fajr Salaah. Since I'm a Hanafi, will it be appropriate for me to read qunoot with the niyyah of qunoot e naazila so as not to create confusion. It is a Shafiee masjid and many people are ignorant about these fiqhi ikhtilaafs.

I remember once a Hanafi Imaam led the Fajr Salaah and he did not read qunoot. After salaah there was a commotion and people started talking to one another that qunoot was not read. Please guide me what to do.

Ruling regarding a khunsa (hermaphrodite)

Q: There is a person who is a khunsa (hermaphrodite), but classified as a man now due to beard, urination etc. But he originally had two private parts. He does not have any attraction to any gender.

1. Is this person considered a khunsa or a man?

2. Is his imaamat of men valid? Or makrooh or what

3. Can a mukhannas be an imam?

From what I understand that it is a man but with womenly movements and speech