Jamaat Salaah and Imaamat

Correcting the Imaam in fardh Salaah

Q: What is the correct procedure when a Hanafi imam makes mistakes or gets stuck during qiraat of the fardh salaah? It occurs often with our imam reciting his weak portions in our fardh salaahs with many times him repeating the same aayat 6/7 times as he cannot continue. Are we allowed to correct? Or should he proceed into ruku? Even if someone does correct he tends to need the same lukhmah a few times before continuing.

Children standing next to their fathers in the saff during salaah

Q: I wanted to ask the mas'alah regarding children standing in saffs with the men. I always knew that small boys should stand behind the saffs of the men. However, I have noticed a trend of small boys standing next to their fathers.

It just worries me and I am inconvenienced at these small boys standing beside me in the saff. Please advise and guide as to what is correct according to Shariah.

Joining a second jamaat in the masjid

Q: As you are aware, in Gulf countries, in the Masjid after the main congregation is over, there are many second and third small congregation/jamaat prayers going on in the masjid with 5 people or 6 people or 10 people ,and so forth. As far as I know, in Hanafi Fiqh, it is not considered okay to make second jamaat in the masjid. As a Hanafi, what should a tourist visiting a Gulf country or a resident of a Gulf country do if he misses the main congregation and he sees the second smaller congregations of a handful people going on? Should he join it or should he pray the fardh separately?

Performing salaah behind imaams who shave their beards or wear their pants below the ankles

Q: I am living in Canada and perform salaah in a masjid or musalla where sometimes the salah is led by an Imam whose pants are below his ankle or someone has no beard and I don’t have any other choice. This happened once in a while. Do I have to repeat that salah after the jamaat or will it be okay? If I have to repeat the salah then I can repeat it in the future if this one happens but what about the past salah that I don’t know how many it was.

Hanafi performing sajdah tilaawat in Surah Hajj behind a Shaafi imaam

Q: If a Hanafi performs salaah behind a shaafi imaam, and the shaafi imaam recites the aayat of sajdah on the last page of surah hajj (which is an aayat of sajdah according to the shaafis and not the hanafis), then the shaafi imaam goes into sajdah and the Hanafi muqtadi follows him in sajdah, then what is the status of the hanafi muqtadi’s salaah? Is his salaah valid or does he have to repeat his salaah?