Jamaat Salaah and Imaamat

Giving preference to performing salaah with jamaat in the Musjid

Q: I received a message wherein the following Hadith of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) was mentioned:

Hazrat Anas bin Maalik (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) reports that Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) said, “If food is served and the Iqaamah for salaah is given, then start with the food.”

The question that I wish to ask is that if one is at home and partaking of meals or one is at a function (e.g. waleemah or a braai etc.) and the food is being served, and the jamaat salaah in the musjid is about to commence, then what should a person do? Should one give preference to partaking of the food or should one attend the jamaat salaah in the musjid, as we have understood from this hadith that one should give preference to the food?

Finding fault with the imaams of the masjid

Q: There's a few brothers in a masjid who usually don't like when any scholars from different localities come to their masjid, when jamaat comes and even their own Imaams. They find fault in them. For example, they say that one person is reading too fast, another is making ruku and sajdah too long and they only come when the Imaam has to go on the mimbar for the khutbah.

Will their Salaah be accepted like how they don't appreciate their Imaams? Please advise as to what the normal brothers can do and also what the Imaams can do.

Duty to the musjid

Q: In my locality there was an AGM meeting held which I attended. It was at the madrasah building which is the yard of our musjid. The meeting ended at 8:15 pm just before the Azaan was called. Esha namaaz jamaat was at 8:30pm. Five minutes before namaaz jamaat in the musjid, the brothers decided to read their own jamaat and not join the jamaat namaaz in the musjid. Even perchance if this type of meeting had to continue after Azaan was given, I thought the better place to read namaaz is in the musjid which I did. I also thought that being people in the effort of Deen if someone had to see us reading namaaz separately from the main jamaat in the musjid, it would create confusion or if we had to continue the meeting and read a separate namaaz later, this would also create confusion. In Deen, we have to always look at rewards to motivate us and the Sunnat. I believe we have to instill in our children and people the importance of jamaat namaaz in musjid.

I have seen in the month of Ramadaan, there are some areas if the venue is walking distance to musjid, they first read their Esha in musjid, then move to the venue even if this delays their taraaweeh time, and I also see in Darul Ulooms and Madrasahs that are in or near proximity to the MUSJID, they stop their classes and take time of to make the students read their namaaz with jamaat in the musjid then continue with class. I am sure, to stop students from class and move them to the musjid is abit time consuming.

My question:

1. What is the reward of the reading namaaz in the musjid with jamaat and in a bigger congregation?

2. Is there any disrespect caused when reading another jamaat in the same yard as the musjid after Azaan or few minutes before the Azaan is called except if you a Musaafir (traveller) or urgelty need to set out for a journey or any dire necessities?

3. If the madrasah students who's madrasah is situated in the same yard of the musjid, observe smaller jamaat separately and not in the musjid, what will be the harm of the tarbiyat of those children?

4. How can I help rectify this in my community as it is really disturbing me?

Salaah of men breaking if a woman stands besides him and Imaam making intention for leading women in salaah


1.1 If a woman is performing salaah in jama'ah with men, will her salaah invalidate the salaah of just the person immediately behind her or all those directly behind her whether there is a wall behind her or not?

1.2 Is there any difference between the Haram and non Haram in the above scenario?

2. If she stood a step or two behind him to his right or left and not directly in line with him, will his salaah break keeping in mind that she will be in line with him though not in Qiyaam, but in Rukoo' and Sajdah?

3. Some are of the opinion that since the gathering is large in the Haram, there is no need to for the Imaam to include the women in his niyyah, as in the case of Jumu'ah and Eid?

Muqtadi saying the takbeer when moving to different postures

Q: Is saying transitional takbeer (Allahu Akbar) when going to ruku, sujood, qiyaam obligatory upon the individual praying behind an imam or can he just follow the imam.

I have performed many prayers behind the imam and I thought I wasn’t obligated to say the takbeer besides takbeer al ihram. Would my previous prayers be invalid otherwise even if I were unaware? 

Covid positive person attending the musjid


1. If one is diagnosed with Covid, should he isolate and read his salaah at home, or should he go to the masjid if he is affected mildly (i.e. body strength, very light cough, and fever, minor difficulty in breathing, etc.)?

2. If a person who is Covid positive and goes to the masjid and the other musallis are aware that he is positive, will he then be sinful for inconveniencing Muslim brothers as unfortunately not everyone is comfortable being around the sick these days?