Jamaat Salaah and Imaamat

Reciting behind the Imaam

Q: When praying behind the imam in Zuhr and Asr prayer, should we recite Surah Fatiha and a Surah in the first 2 rakaats and only Surah Fatiha in the last rakaat.

In Fajr, Maghrib and Esha, I know we should keep quiet and listen but in the last 2 rakaats when the imam is silent, should we recite Surah Fatiha only?

Performing Salaah with jamaat at home


1. If I missed the prayer with jamat, can I pray with my family members (wife, sons, daughter) at home?

2. Can I miss the congregation prayer at the masjid and pray in congregation at home because the imam of the masjid makes masah on normal socks?

3. If I am sure that I will miss the jamat, is it compulsory to go to the masjid and pray alone or second jamat?

4. I hear the azan and iqamat and complete namaz but I am very tired to go and pray in the masjid, can I pray at home later with my family?

5. For Asar prayer, instead of praying with jamat in a Hambali maslak time, can I delay the prayer and pray (alone or with my family) at home after the Hanafi maslak time begins. (I listen to the complete azan and iqamat and jamat from the masjid's speakers).