Calculating zakaat

Q: I want to know how much zakat I have to give. I have started earning on my own. How much amount after completion of one year I have to give and to whom?

Also, if I use money for construction or buying any property, is Zakat mandatory for that purchased land or home?

Husband asking for talaaq

Q: My husband is very abusive and has anger issues. He is physically, verbally and emotionally abusive. Whenever he is in this state, he tells me our marriage is over. Our last fight I decided to go as I was hurt. We text daily and he would be nice and some times ugly. Yesterday he texted. I want my Talaaq, I want my Talaaq you better arrange my Talaaq, is this valid as a Talaaq? 

Khatams and niaz

Q: My question is regarding khatams and niaz etc in the name of the Prophet Salallahu-Alaihi-Wasalam and saints like Hazrath Ghous Paak etc - Is this practise Islamically correct or is it considered bidaah?

Seeking permission from the first wife for second marriage

Q: I have recently got married last month but our honeymoon was full of eyn (bad eye) and shytan. During the honeymoon my wife would talk and have open conversations with taxi drivers and walk ahead of me and always on her phone and we had a fight where I lightly slapped her on the side of her head. Also she did not allow me to have sex with her for the last 7 days of the honeymoon. She did not respect me and was very rude in the manner she spoke to me in and 2 nights she slept in a different room! She would always be on her phone and not talk to me I told her many times I don't like this but she said I don't care! There have been soooo many issues during this time! She has disrespected me telling me that I do not want your money and take ur presents back!

Before the honeymoon she had asked for divorce 4 times because I contact her too much call and text too much. When she went home she told her family about me slapping her and her family obviously went crazy n want divorce now but it's still debatable!!

So I am now in a situation where there is another lady I loved before this arranged marriage and I wish to marry her. Do I need by islam to confirm with the first wife or should I wait till I'm divorced?? I want to know what to do and what is halal and what is haram. 

Kissing the mayyit


1. What are the differences, if any, between the ghusl of mayyit of the Hanafis and Shafee'is?

2. Is it allowed to touch or kiss the mayyit mahram male/female on forehead after ghusl of mayyit for Hanafis as well as Shafee'is?