Using interest money to pay off interest from a bank

Q: My father started a business, but after some time, one of his staff engaged in fraud, causing the business to become bankrupt. Now, because my father owes money to many customers, he took a loan from the bank to pay them back. However, this loan is accumulating interest which my father will have to pay to the bank. Can I use the interest money that accrues on my account which is separate to my father’s account, to pay the interest amount that my father owes to the bank?

Sodomy with clothes on


1. When a man inserts his tip of penis in other man's anus, both should have fard ghusl right?

2. Is the ghusl fard even if when both had worn clothes? E.g. If one had worn pants and the other had also worn pants but penis went inside anus along with both pants. Is ghusl fard still? 

Taking a second wife

Q: I have been married from 10+ years. I have a daughter of 8 years. It was a marriage arranged from my family. When I saw my wife after marriage, I didn't like her but I kept patience. But since then she does things which I deny or do not allow. Then she joined a job which I said don't do. Her father supported her. Then also I kept patience. She never takes care of me like whenever I say my legs are paining or my I have headache she doesn't care and do not apply oil or do not massage despite my order. But the last thing which is very much troubling me is that she has no or very little sex drive. Approximately 1 out of 3-4 times only she agrees. I never dominate. I have asked her many times to her and her family that I will marry another girl but she is not changing and not even her family is taking this seriously. From last 3-4 years I am thinking to marry another girl. I have enough property and feel that I will able to treat them equally and with justice. 1) Whats your suggestion? 2) Is the anger of my first wife and my daughter's sadness which may come in consequence of marrying another girl, right?

Wudhu breaking due to a gas problem

Q: Gas problem.

The problem is: When I go to make wudu I feel like gas is going to come out and I am unable to ignore that feeling and I get uncomfortable. If I make a fresh wudu for each prayer and leave that gas to come or not no problem then I can attain comfort. To do this I need to ignore that certain gas is coming out while making wudu. If I do this and sometimes gas comes or I feel like gas is coming which might be certain then I should ignore both cases or else if I start to make sure nothing has come out then I will again be in state of uncomfortableness. Regarding doubts Ii know that they should be ignored but i get doubts which can't be just ignored because of their "closeness to certainity" or "certainity itslef". So i thought of doing this:

Make wudu and pray and ignore the gas even if I am certain whether it be during wudu or prayer or after prayer etc. This gave me a relief. Can I continue this?

Creditors forfeiting their right

Q: I have taken a loan from some people. I have also done coaching under some teachers without paying them. It has been quite some years (i.e. almost 4) and now I have the capability to pay them back. But unfortunately, as I am seeing, some of them whom I have met to return their deserved money, they do not want to take it back! I had to beg them to accept the money. They just would not take it! They say, "Never mind, you don't have to give it back. Oh come on! Leave it. I have a lot of money, I do not need to money," and so forth. I feel that if they do not take it back that means I have not paid them the money back! So, after a long request they do. Please help me! I am about to meet my teachers and they are probably going to win! What will I do afterwards! What can they do instead of taking the lent money? Please help me Shaikh. Jazak Allah khair in advance. Please help me out!