Explaining to someone how to perform ghusal

Q: Suppose a boy has to do ghusl for janabah and I need to inform him how to do it. Ususally people tell them the obligatory acts in ghusl which are three. But I think that this is not sufficient because there are many precautions in ghusl which should be taken and known so that one has a valid ghusl.

So when I want to inform someone about fard ghusl and I just said to them about the obligatory acts and they follow those their whole life but are unaware of the precautions then their ghusl would be invalid their whole life.

And how can I tell them all the precautions. And if I tell them also then I fear I will remember another precaution after some time which I forget to tell them and if they did ghusl and then how can I tell them the forgotten precaution and tell them to repeat the ghusl? And some things which prevent water from reaching the skin such as wax or sticker etc. That things also I need to tell them and after that I remember some more things which prevent water from reaching the skin amd if I tell them thses many things for a ghusl they will think that I am too deep in religion and I don't know if they will listen or not.

1. What do I do?

Precautions means the things which most people forget to do in ghusl. There are 20 for men and 6 for women, I will mention one of them "The joint between the chin and the throat will not be washed unless you lift your head upwards." Like these, there are many.

2. While getting up from sleep we have bad yellow particle on teeth before brushing, must those particles be removed before doing fard ghusl or just gargling in sufficient?

3. What about the food stuck between the teeth?

4. What about the tongue, should the tongue be cleaned with a tongue cleaner before fard ghusl because there will be some particles spread on the tongue which can only be removed by a tongue cleaner?

Three talaaqs in anger

Q: I want to ask about divorce. I have heard that you have to give your wife divorce 3 times in 3 months for it to count is that true. My husband gave me divorce in anger after few hours was back with me saying that it doesn't count in anger. He didn't know what he was saying and also that he have to give me 3 times in 3 months for it to count. Also want to ask if divorce count in period and in pregnancy and if husband do give in pregnancy but the next day or after few hours says he was angry, then does it count or not. Also if the wife is pregnant and is a lot angry and tell the husband to divorce her, keep on saying it and the husband get angry and say it even tho he didn't mean to say it, does it count?


Q: Dear Mufti Saheb, In Tuhaftul Almai, pg.219 vol.2, is mnentioned that when making sajdah sahw according to Imam Abu Haneefah, the correct method is to recite all the duas first, then make salaam to the right, then 2 sajdas and then recite tashahhud only, then salaam. Is this the correct procedure. If not, then what is the correct one? Would be grateful if you mention some hawalas.

Irregular bleeding

Q: If A girl got her Haidh on the 1st of September at 5:00am. Her habit is generally counted as 10days. But she bleeds every month for 8days and the 9th and 10th day is only a brown discharge which is not continuous (like occurs 3 or 4 times in a day) but only occurs during her haidh. If she counts her 10 days it will be on the 11th September at 5:00am. My question is:

1. Does she have to have a ghusal at 5:00am or can she count her haidh with salaah times. For example she got her haidh on The 1st September at Fajr time so she can have a ghusal on the 11th September at the beginning of Fajar time like 4:30am or does she have to wait for 5am?

2. If she has a ghusal on the 10th September Esha time and performed esha Salaah and remained clean till her complete 10days which was Fajar time 5am will her ghusal be valid or does she havto make ghusal at 5am.

3. If she did the above as in point 2. And had a ghusal esha time, then remained clean till 5am on the 11th September which was her complete 10 days and then a few hours after that like about 7am she notices a discharge which occurs during haidh will this be regarded as istihaadhaa and her ghusal and fajar salaah be valid or will she havto repeat her ghusal for having made it before 10days passed (this ghusal was made because discharge was not continuous and she remained clean till her 10days expired) and will she have to make Qadhaa of Fajar Salaah?

4. As mentioned the discharge in the last 2 days of haidh is not continuous how does she calculate her haidh? If she is not sure wether her haidh is complete and waits till fajar of 11th September to have a ghusal and then has her ghusal, her last discharge was on the 10th at maghrib time does she have to make qadhaa of the missed salaahs or should she have taken a ghusal at the time of maghrib? (The reason for ghusal not being taken at the time of maghrib was because she was not sure if she would discharge again before 5am on the 11th September because some months her discharge continues till the end of her haidh time?

5. I was told to wait for the duration of one salaah time but if she waited for the time between maghrib and esha and remained clean then had a ghusal at the time of esha on the 10th September which was not complete 10days and performed esha then a few hours later before fajar time she notices discharge then she will have to take a ghusal again and this causes her to have ghusals like 3 or 4 times at the end of her haidh every month? And if she doesnt do this then she is confused what to do as mentioned in point 4.


Going to live alone in the mountains

Q: I am a 24 yo.m am originally from pakistan but living in Australia from last 5 years.I moved here when i was around 18 yrs old.In pakistan i was bad never followed religion never prayed i wasn't interested in religion at all i was in alot of bad things as young boy. But when i move to Australia my life started to change i feel like praying sometime on and off it goes on for year or 2 and then i have my heart break coz of someone i feel in love and couldn't get together that day i prayed and cried alot for next few days to Allah swt in dua. And then i become regular with my fard prayer 5 times a day i used to make alot of dua slowly slowly i start praying sunnah amd nafal prayer then i start reading quran next start doing alot of dhikr and start praying night prayer and sunnah fasting this all transformation happens in last 3 or 4 years.but now i have very strong feeling to go somewhere and live alone like maybe on top of mountain something like tht i think alot i worried alot about whts happening with muslims around the world and i cried alot .im very confused no one understand me i tried talk to my parent's they think im jst joking ,I've seen alot of dreams i still remember some of them like this dream i meet tall old man in white cloths with long white beard and hair ,big stick in his hand he was very beautiful white skin colour with dark black eye's ,he didn't say nothing but just staring at me and i was staring at him standing somewhere next to beach and garden very beautiful place .i don't no who do i talk to and explain whts happening with me this feeling i have no idea whts going on.like i have alot of things to say but i don't no its big story..can you pls help me to like whts goin on with me im struggling i dont like this dunya anymore i only feel comfortable when im thinking about Allah swt..I'll be waiting for response .. salam alakium