Method of getting over haraam love

Q: I've landed my self in a real big problem in which I feel like I have no escape.

I turned to the local imam of my masjid for help regarding problems in my marriage. Over the space of 2/3 years we would talk regularly near enough daily. To the point we started falling in love with each other. Eventually he confessed how he felt and I also said how I felt and after this we met up once when we kissed however we realised it couldn't be and we broke off. But he went and lied to my husband and everyone that I had to tried to come on to him I told my husband the truth and he believed me and stuck by me. But for the past one year I have been struggling to get over and forget him. And I feel like I'm messing my whole life up over this one person but I feel like I can't see sense. I can't approach my shaykh as the imam involved is also bayt with my shaykh and he told him his side of the story and I also said mine he advised me to change my number etc which I have done but I feel like my heart is so corrupt. I try to forget him but I can't. I feel like I don't love my husband but only sticking by him because of our children. I feel so lost and broken and I feel like I'm destroying myself and humbly request your guidance


Q: A person passes away with three sons who inherit 33.33% each. Does this mean that they get ownership of 33.33% of each item? Or does it mean that they get full ownership of 1/3 of the items? If so, how is it decided which son gets which item?

Working in a bank

Q: Im working in a corporate bank. But I dont deal with interest. My work is related to preparing letters and written off and some back end work. I do not come under getting or giving or calculating or witnessing interest. But the bank pays me. Is this halal or haram?

Business partner intending to open a bar in a jointly owned restaurant

Q: I have a restaurant in India with a partner. We have all halal food. Our partner now wants to open a bar section and wants to sell alcohol as all the resturants are doing the same to survive. I have told him that i won't partake in the earnings from selling alcohol. But will it be okay if he uses the same premises but i won't take part in the alcohol selling part of the business?

Doubts regarding impurity

Q: My two questions are below:

1. When I shop at a butcher or other store I often find that even though the store is muslim owned they often have non-muslims helping to pack the bought stuff. On a few occasions I found that when they packing my stuff which is often frozen and therefore wet/moist they first lick their fingers to open the packet, therefore their hands have their saliva and then they touch my bought items which are wet. Does this then make my bought items napaak as I am not sure if their saliva is paak?

2. My aunt lives in a complex, near the entrance gate the floor is always wet as the cleaners sometimes clean the front area and also the residents throw the water they use to clean their homes out in the front. My aunt also mentioned to me that the sewage pipe is near the gate and it sometimes leaks. Therefore I never know the source of the wetness on the floor. When I visit and walk on this wet area (it is hard to avoid as the whole entrance is wet), I am not sure whether my shoes and everywhere I walk thereafter with my shoes are becoming napaak. Please can you advise what I should do in this situation?

Does talaaq take place through separation

Q: A guy and a girl got married. They had an arguments and then girl left the house of guy and stayed at her parents home from June 10th 2016 to Jan 23rd 2017 during this period the guy never pronounce a divorce "Not even single time" The Girl stayed at parents house for more than 6 months and there's a person who said that according to Islam if you stayed away from your husband for more than 6 months without any Sharai reason then you are no longer in Nikkah with that guy. (who said not sure, on what grounds not sure) Need clarification on this as well. The Guy sent Divorce deed on 23rd January 2017 that has clearly mentioned divorce Thrice upon that girl, the guy who sent divorce deed was planning to end the marriage because of girl's parents demand. Now, the concern is. If 6 months were already passed while girl stayed away from here husband. Then she was no longer in Nikkah of that guy and so does divorce occurred? IF YES then how? IF NO then why?

What will women get in Jannat?

Q: I'm a practicing Muslim woman in USA and I notice that in the Quran even if the men are rewarded with Hoor Al Ayn there is no stated reward for women in the Quran. Like sometimes I need motivation for Jannah and saying "whatever you desire" is too vague for me. Maybe if Allah stated that women would be rewarded with a palace with singing angels or a Pegasus or a personal spa it would have motivated us even more. So I could pray five times a day and at the end of the day I could say Allah would reward you with blah blah blah and I could say Allah is very generous with me or I could be very happy knowing I won't be disappointed in the afterlife. I know Jannah isn't like Dunya, but how Allah reassured the men that even if they died unmarried or withheld themselves in this world Allah will substitute with something better, sometimes I need the same reassurance. Also I think a lot of Muslim women need reassurance also. What do women get?