Building mazaars

Q: The following verse from Surah Kahf which is verse 21 ,The English translation is as follows : "And thus We made their case known, that they might know that the promise of Allah is true, and that there can be no doubt about the Hour. (Remember) when they (the people) disputed among themselves about their case, they said: "Construct a building over them; their Lord knows best about them," (then) those who won their point said: "We verily, shall build a mosque over them."

The barelvi Sect believe that this verse makes building a mazaar shareef permissible in Islam. I am no scholar of deen so I want to know your views on this ayaat and the barelvi sect use of it. Looking forward to your response inshallah

Daily a'maal to be practised with one's family

Q: I would like it if mufti can answer these questions: We are too engrossed in this world but don't realize that its short. We just do what is necessary and follow in parrot fashion and don't even know if its correct. I would like to know what can we do everyday to guarantee us jannah,and we know we are doing it correct. Please state few like : Zikr (we heard from few majlis what to read)? what to read everyday(kitaabs)quraan? Focus in Salaah how to go about everyday life. I just read my salaah and that's all, but I feel really sad as I feel I am not doing much. Please help so I can prepare for the Heareafter. I also would like to know how do I go about reading my missed Salaahs? Its with great regret that I must say that I have missed around 10 years of Salaah. I need to make a lot of taubah and would like to read my missed Salaah. Please show me the best way to go about reading my missed Salaah.

Wazifa for financial problems

Q: Me and an my husband live separately in our respective parents home as we don't have our own home. He is under debt so can't afford to keep me and my son and separate home. So I go to my in laws in weekend if my mother in law allows me there as my husband shares his parents room. I want to stay with my husband so please give some wazifa so that me my husband and son stay together. Any wazifa for home please?