Parents preventing their son from waking up for tahajjud

Q: I am 19 years old (male), staying in hostel for my studies. I am planning to wake up at 3:00am for reading tahajjud and not to sleep until completing my isha prayer execpt <60 sec nap after my lunch. My parents said you are young boy waking up alone in hostel room at that time my cause some problems, so don't wake up at that time, I think they are fearing of supernatural powers (jinns) etc... So plz give me suitable advice

Bequest for heirs

Q: We are in the process of winding up my father's estate, who passed away a couple of years ago, and are unclear on a specific scenario we have picked up.

My father had a number of investment policies which were registered under his name but, as required with most investments, had listed certain individuals as beneficiaries in the event of his death. The beneficiaries he listed were his wife and some of his children (so the people that naturally would qualify to inherit from his estate in any case).

The question I have around this is, according to Islamic law, should the person listed on the investment as beneficiary inherit the payout or should the investment be included in the estate and the total from the estate be distributed according to the Islamic law of succession and inheritance?

I hope I have provided sufficient detail to enable you to make an informed decision.

Income of a person working in a newspaper company and a bank


1. What is the ruling on the income generated by working for a newspaper. The newspapers contain pictures, news which have the elements of backbiting, blaming, etc. Can we eat from the homes of these newspaper owners or their employees? They are close relatives and it will be difficult not to eat/drink while visiting them?

2. How about eating at the homes of bank emoloyees in the similar situation of being close relatives? Would the sin be greater if we eat there than eating in  the newspaper employees?

Making istilaam at the beginning and ending of every tawaaf

Q: Please assist with the following: When a person makes tawaaf in umrah, then he makes istilaam of the Hajr-e-Aswad upon completion of his tawaaf (i.e. his eighth istilaam) as well as before proceeding for Sa'ee (his ninth istilaam). However, when a person is performing nafl tawaaf (not in ihraam), will he still make the eighth istilaam, or can he complete his tawaaf by merely passing the Hajr-e-aswad?