Taking a second wife

Q: I am 41 years old. I got married 10 years ago. I have a daughter 9 years old and son 4 years. My wife is patient of multiple sclerosis. She has been sluggish since marriage. She cannot manage home and family matters. I am over burden as am job doing person. I want to opt second marriage and will keep first one with me. Please guide me what Islam says on this.

Eating on a table

Q: I’ve been told eating on a dining table is ‘haram’. However both me and my wife suffer from lumbar disk spondylosis and are under medical advisement to not exert ourselves too much. She can’t sit, stand or squat for a prolonged period of time. So for convenience and health’s sake my family dines on a table. Please clarify if it is indeed haram to eat in this manner and if permissible what are the conditions for it?

Aqeeqah for adults

Q: We have three grown up daughters.They were all born in the western countries and we could not even remember performing the aqiqa for them. I am wondering if we can now perform the aqiqa for them though they are adults and how to perform it. 

Wakeel using the zakaat and thereafter paying the zakaat from his own wealth

Q: I have a relative who is liable for zakaat. I informed my aunt that I am collecting zakaat for someone without giving the name. My aunt gave me R500 Zakaat. I then went to the shop for buying something but ran short of money. I used the R500 with the view of replacing with my own money later. I then took my own R500 and gave it to my relative. Is my aunt's zakaat discharged?

Feelings from Shaitaan

Q: This may seem like a silly question, but this has seriously been bothering me for a very long time. A few years ago I fell in love with a girl, and then ended up finding out she lives very far away and my chances of marrying her are very slim. But every time I'm finally able to let go of most of my feelings for her, something happens that pulls her back into my heart. I've suffered alot of painful heartbreak in matters regarding her, but sometimes I feel like Allah(Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) is keeping her in my heart because she is meant for me. I've even had alot of dreams about me and her being happy with each other, laughing, and having a good time with our families around us. This makes me think those dreams are glad tidings from Allah(Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) that she is meant for me. Even my friend told me once that he had a dream where he saw me and her together. Can you please tell me what I should do to heal myself from all this, so I can finally be at peace? I find it very hard to forget her unless I'm absolutely sure she's not meant to be mine.