Making up for missed fasts

Q: I'm a convert to Islam, Alhamdulillah, a couple of years I did not fast in Ramadhan because I had really bad aneamia and I was underweight and whenever I tried to fast, I started getting sick. Weak/headaches/nausea. So I couldnt fast. Alhamdulillah my health is better now, and past Ramadhan I did fast. How should I make up for the years of missed fast?

And secondly, if someone is fasting and begins feeling sick and weak, is it allowed to break the fast without sin?

Will talaaq take place if the husband tells the wife "Jao tumhain chor dia"

Q: Me and my wife often have verbal fights. One day after a verbal fight she asked me to leave her and said, "Mujhay chor kyun nahi daytay" In extreme anger I replied ,"Jao tumhain chor dia" and repeated thrice but I didnt intend divorce nor I know that these words may intend for divorce so we ignored and spent normal married relation. After months of this incident, one day my wife started having doubts that perhaps the words I used are intended for divorce. Now we both are so worried and dont know whether we are divorced or not. Please guide us.

Fardh ghusal

Q: If a person is sexually impure but he doesn't know what sexual impurity means, he doesn't know how a person becomes sexually impure and he also does not know that he is sexually impure but he takes ghusl janabah by the intention that he is going to take ghusl janabah, then will he become pure?

Replying to the Azaan of different Musjids

Q: I live in a Muslim Village of about 200 households. We have 6 (six) mosques in our locality and all of them uses loudspeakers for Azan. I’ve read that we must answer the call to prayer. Sometimes the Azans from all the mosques don’t overlap and I’ve been left wondering if answering one is enough or do I have to answer all of them. Please clarify. Also on one site I read that using loudspeakers for Azan is an act of Bida’at. Is it so?