Husband leaving wife and children

Q: If husband left his wife and kids without any kind of support (deeni and dunyawi) after came back 20 months and still not support. But he wants to meet his wife only for sexual meet and wife refused him bcz the older childs doesnt want to accept again his father to enter home (bcz his badest behaviour with his family) and he came to Canada just to pick them up his mother father and go back home after few months. In this condition if wife refused to sexual contact his husband,so any sin to the wife?

Father insulting husband

Q: I am a Muslim woman and I would like to know in Islam if a father hits his daughter who is married without valid reason and my husband tells him to stop with respect and he then hits my husband and uses excessive vulgar languages in the open public.

I, the daughter have held my dads clothes to stop him from going to hit my husband but he continued to slap me wildly infront of many people.

He does not like my husband because my husband is not well to do and is very simple and calm . He has a quite nature and never argues with my parents from the time I have been married . On a daily basis my father insults him tries to put him down infront of other people uses languages to him infront of me all because in life my dad out of his own will had paid for my hospital bills. But that was on his own will as my husband could not afford it and I have agreed that he couldn't afford a private hospital rather government which I was very happy to go to.

He insults my husbands parents and put them to value infront of many people . He shows off to people what my husbands parents position is and disgraces them all the time .

My father is very nice but his attitude and pride of money is very bad . If he pays anything out of his own will for me or my children he will insult and tell the public he paid for that and he says it in such a way that makes my husband down in the public eye.

I am a very blessed woman to have such a great husband . Allah has given me the best man as my partner and I dislike when I see him getting insulted . I cannot take it anymore and I do not know what to do . The only thing I have asked my father is to guide my husband in business but my father rules his life and wants to fight for everything.

Looking for people who one owes wealth

Q: I have wronged many people in the past, most of whom I can't track down to fix what I did to them and seek their forgiveness. I have heard that Allah does not forgive the sins in which I have wronged others until they forgive me. I am really scared of the punishment of Allah, and I really regret everything I have done. After repenting for my sins, what should I do to make up for all those wrongs, and save myself from the punishment of those sins?

Ma'zoor during preganancy

Q: During pregnancy, especially in the last two months, the expected mother gets vaginal discharge. Sometimes she makes wuzu and just starts to offer 4 farz during 2nd rakat she feels a bit discharge as small as a 1rs coin (pakistani currency) . Does her wuzu break? Does She need to make wuzu again and offer prayer again? What if its zohr prayer and during 4 sunnah and then again during 4 farz she gets discharge? Is this vaginal discharge exempted because its specifically related to pregnancy and the last months and sometimes related to some days of pregnancy.

Examination fees

Q: I am an accounting student and have little concern with regards to the system we make our payments and possibility of any interest involved in the payments. Our payments include the examination fee payed few days before the examination session and an annual subscription fee to remain an active student.

Firstly, the examination payments can be made in three periods. The earliest the payment made, the lowest would be the payment. However, sometimes due to late examination decisions the early payment period passes by and we have to make standard payment that is higher than early payment. Is the difference between the early and standard fee considered as interest? I have heard that all penalties arising due to late payment are haram and therefore the higher amount payed as a result of not being able to pay in the early period for some reason a kind of penalty. It is also possible that the extra amount is to encourage most students to make payment as early as possible.

Second, I have heard that the annual subscription payed every year to remain an active student involves interest. Is that true? This would be a lifetime payment even after I qualify to remain an active member. Does it involve any kind of interest or penalty?