Opening a snooker shop


1. If I open a snooker shop, will that money be halal or haram as I know in Islam betting is haram but in this case we are not telling the players who will come to my shop to play snooker that you have to bet but more then 90% of the boys that play bet, or both of them agree to pay money. So is it still haram or halal?

2. If I wrote on a wall that betting is not allowed here then will it be enough to make snooker shop money halal?



1. Is it mandatory to wear hijab for a grown up Muslim woman and what exactly is Hijab?

2. Is it enough to cover her satar (hair and body except the face, hands (fingers)) or is it a compulsion to wear a black colour burkha as we wear in India?

3. What is ruling regarding talking to men of the opposite gender?

4. What if a woman is a civil servant wherein she has to follow a dress code, What is the ruling in such a condition?

Cancelling an insurance policy

Q: I did an insurance policy in 2014 for 10 yrs, every year I need to pay a premium of 35k. Last year I got to know that it is haram and I wanted to get myself out of that. But If I opt out now, I will loose 80% of my money. Will I be getting sin for continuing that policy. Should I just stop paying the premium. What should be my approach in this matter.

Mice droppings on food

Q: My wife made rotis yesterday and placed them in a container. When they were cool she covered them. We had rotis for supper last night. After esha, when I was in the kitchen, I saw a mouse eating from a wrapped left-over sandwich. Later, I put the roti container in the fridge. After fijar, my wife took out the roti container from the fridge. She saw mice droppings or "stools" on the side of rotis in the container. 

1. What do we do with the rotis? 

2. What do we do if we have a mice problem?

Living together after three talaaqs

Q: One of my neighbours has given divorce to his wife by saying talaaq three times in three different places. The wife is living with him. In any case, she has three kids and her husband has given her property also. Her mother in law n brother in law are on his side. So what was the punishment by Allah for them and what can the husband do?