Parents abusing their daughter

Q: I am a 17 year old boy from Brisbane, Australia but orginaly from Pakistan and I was wondering if an Imam can advise me on a problem I am currently seeing happen with my own eyes. 

There is a 16 year old muslim girl whom I know very well, you can call me her best friend pretty much. She is from India and like me, she is also in her last year of school in Australia and university will start next year. Me and her have been friends since last year and were hoping that in 3 to 4 years Insha-Allah we will tell our parents about each other and arrange a marriage for us Insha-Allah. Unfortunately her parents are very abusive and strict parents, I have heard from her about the many different cases of them beating her up everyday for little things like forgetting to wash the laundry. Wallah I am not lying this is all true. A few weeks ago her mum was beating her up and said the following words to her "you are my daughter and I can do whatever I want to you and you can do nothing but obey me because I own you." I was absolutely shocked when I heard this. Wallahi all of this is true she has been constantly getting abused by her mum and dad since she was a little girl and her older brother seems to join in when he wants to. 

Recently, her parents told her that they want to get her engaged at the end of the year and she doesn't want this to happen. They have been forcing her to accept whatever they say and live with whoever they want and they made some cultural comments like no one else will be allowed to marry her except an Indian boy, no arab no pakistani no one except an Indian. She told me that she doesn't want this to happen and has been crying and feeling depressed from many days now. My question is, what is Islam's view on forced marriage and what can this girl do to avoid what her parents are doing because they have been abusing and forcing her to do as they say and she does not wish to get engaged to anyone by force and only wants to engage someone who she will accept with her heart but she feels like whoever her parents show her, she will only accept because of fear out of what they will do if she says no due to their abusive nature and not because she actually accepts the boy. 

If possible, can you please advise me on what this girl should do and how she can seek help? What does Islam say about a scenario like this and what can this girl do to avoid forced marriage? I am looking forward to the Imam's advice Insha-Allah it will be greatly appreciated.

Wearing hijaab

Q: I have always known that the fragrance of Jannah will be haraam for a woman that does not wear hijab and that it is compulsory on woman to wear it in Islam. However, I never really let that soak in until very recently when I started wearing the hijab. Nobody has ever ostricized me for it and I was gaining confidence and starting to be comfortable about going out with it. I was starting to tell myself that I look better with hijab than without it even though I didn't really believe that. The other day my mother just ruined it all. She kept making little hints but the other day she couldn't handle it any more and told me that I'm becoming too holy and that I don't have to act like an old lady and wear scarf all the time. She said that it's more difficult for women who wear hijab to get married because boys like modern girls. When I began crying she tried to cover up what she initially said by telling me that she only meant I should take it off when sitting privately with friends in a coffee shop etc which made zero sense because obviously there would be male waiters around. She said that she just meant I would feel more comforable and fit in better without my scarf on. I never felt very uncomfortable or odd with it but after she said that I do. She apologized and my father explained to her how we're meant to stick to Allah's commands no matter what etc. The matter was closed and everybody moved past it but I can't get over it. I still wear scarf but now I feel like I look like an old lady in it. I tie it properly and try my best to dress nicely and look neat but she still makes me feel like I look like an old lady and it has broken my confidence like she often does. I am still very hurt by this and want to gain my confidence back but I don't know what to do. I have no idea how to feel about this. What do I do to console myself and is there a dua I can read to be more confident and not care about opinions?

Earning a fee for referring clients to financial institutes

Q: Please can I have advice on the following. I have an accounting/bookkeeping practice and as a result I have many clients that ask me for assistance on insurance, retirement annuity and pension funds as well as other long term investments. With regards to this I have also been approached by a financial institute that would like to provide my clients with the following services:

- Business and or personal insurance

- Retirement annuity and pension funds

- Long term investments (Shariah and Non Shariah compliant)

- Medical aid

- Other services that will fall within similar categories

As a result of me referring my clients to the financial institution I will earn a referral fee initially once the client has signed up and in some instances the fee will also be earned in annuity (on going). Is this referral fee that I will be earning halaal or haram on these products? Will it be permissible on certain products such as the medical aids and the long term investments? Please could evidence be provided from the Quran and or Hadith.

Committing indecent acts during childhood

Q: I am a 20 year old Muslim female. In my childhood maybe up to 13 years or so, I used to involve in some physical sexual activities with some of my younger and older cousins both males and females ,in the form of a game at that time. This did not extend up to zina (the actual penetration) but touching and kissing each others body parts. Will this make my marriage (I am unmarried) in the future invalid? I want to repent from this but please tell me how to repent from the same? In order for me to repent is it obligatory to ask them also to repent from the same and is it obligatory to ask forgiveness from them. I don't remember whether at times I have asked them to involve in this act and they reluctantly did or not. Please help me out with this. I really want my marriage to be valid according to Allah.

Paying for an item in instalments

Q: My question is,"I am a young person doing my job. I suffered from crises of income. My company's policy has been changed that each worker should have a smart phone to do whatsapp of any competeter activity in the market. While I don't have that phone and I don't have the payment power to purchase that cell phone on cash. So, I decided to purchase that on installment but some persons are making me tense that it is interest.(Sood). Please guide me is it sood?