
Q: I have two questions on Taqdeer:

1. Is a person considered a Kafir if he or she does not believe in Taqdeer (Destiny)?

2. Can Dua change Taqdeer? I have heard that Dua can change Taqdeer. Please clarify.

Global moon sighting

Q: It is with great pain in my heart that I message you. After the passing of a very big Alim, Moulana Khalil Sufi rahmatullahi alayh, the Ulama in the city of Toronto are trying to get everyone on board with global moon sighting. Is their any validty to what they say and is this a valid difference of opinion?

Learning kung fu and other self defense exercises

Q: Is it permissible to learn kung fu for fitness, self defence and other legal extreme purposes, without reciting any thing, only to learn that art (strictly with out any chants etc.) Could you please tell me? If not then with what niyyat we can learn these kind of things like yoga, exercises (strictly without any chanting for only permissible and clear intention).

Using government funds

Q: Is it permissible to utilize government funds (especially in such a country were Hindus are rulers and where unislamic laws are enforced) where the meat of a pig is not considered haraam. Where alcoholic substances are sold without any ban. Where Muslims are treated as downtrodden and ignorant. In such a country where all means of earning are against the principles of Islam, can we use goverment funds for construction of toilets and bathrooms in the premises of a masjid (mosque) only meant for making wudhu etc. These things can be used only during prayer times because they remain locked almost all the times and people cannot use the all the time.

Wazifa for allergy

Q: I am 46 years old and have been having a bad allergy for 10 months called urticiria and the doctors don't know how to treat it. I am really worried and think somebody has gave me shirk. Please reply.

Adding water to milk

Q: I am a farmer and supply milk to shops. Almost all the other farmers sell their milk at a low price because they add water to the milk. The customers are aware of this as well. If I sell my milk without water, nobody will buy it because it will be more expensive than the milk with the water. If I inform my customers and mutually agree with them to add water to the milk, will it be permissible?