Born circumcised

Q: My age is 27 years and I am not married. When I was born I was not circumcised. Recently when I went to the doctor for circumcision, the doctor told me that I do not need circumcision as there is no foreskin over the head of my private part. In medical terms this condition is called aposthia, which is rare, in this case there is no foreskin naturally to be removed. When my private part is flaccid, the skin doesn't cover my private part head and also doesn't cover when its erect. But there is very little foreskin which, when I pull then when my private part is flaccid it retracts back. My private part looks like it is naturally circumcised but in actual fact its not. I am curious to know whether I still need a surgery to remove more skin or its just fine and I do not need to undergo a surgery. Will I commit a sin if I do not undergo circumcision? What does Islam say about natural circumcision?

Claiming 50% of the spouses wealth after divorce

Q: I live in Canada, I need some information about divorce in Islam. In Canadian law if a couple goes for divorce, every thing is divided into 50% plus spousal support and child support. My wife is the house maker, I make money and I even made some money before I got married. Can my wife claim 50% of my assets in Islamic law or can I claim 50% of her assets. How should the money be divided in Islam after divorce, please also explain about child support and spousal support.

We are married almost 11 years but we did not have peace in our married life. What is the extortion point where I should decide to leave. Can you guide us when we can take this decision?

Murjiyah and Qadariyyah

Q: I have heard that RasoolAllah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) mentioned in a Hadith that two sects i.e. the Murjiyah and the Qadariyah do not have any share in Islam due to their corrupt beliefs. The Murjiyah sect believe that a person has no control or say over his or her actions and whatever happens it is due to the Will of Allah Ta'ala and the Qadariyah sect does not believe in Taqdeer and denies it. Please clarify.

Adjusting the expiry date on a product

Q: I have purchased tomato sauce for resale; however, the tomato sauce is past the manufacturer’s best before date. I am in the food industry for the past 20 years and I know that the tomato sauce will not go bad by the date reflected by the manufacturer. In fact, the item is still good for another one year after the best before date. I wish to get the item tested by an independent food technologist and then adjust the date on the packaging to the date the independent food technologist recommends. Will it be permissible for me to adjust the date or will this fall under deception?