Marital problems

Q: I am a 29 years old married male, married against my will (parents pressure) since last 3 years and suffering from depression since last 3 years because of it. I have a 9 months old daughter but my sexual satisfaction is not there. My wife really loves me but I unable love her back (never liked her face). I am emotionally destroyed because I really feel empty inside. I am planning to do a second marriage and for this purpose I ask a girl at my office whom I really like (she likes me too) but she is saying that I should leave my wife behind or make an agreement with her that I will spend only one day a week and the rest 6 with my second (probable) wife. I can't do this because I have heard that there is extreme punishment for inequality between wives and I am not that stone hearted to do so either, and now that girl has stopped talking with me and I am in intense depression. I can't work at my office properly, finding it hard to follow Deen because my mind is seriously disturbed since last 3 years. I wish I could die right now because its really seems impossible for me to live like this and still following Deen completely. Please make a dua for me and give me a solution.

Paying a higher amount of school fees when paying in instalments

Q: I have a query regarding the payment options of my son’s school fees. Please advise whether the following option is permissible:

Pay in full by the first Friday of February and receive a 5% discount. This amounts to R12 350 for the year instead of R13 000 if I have to split the fee over each school term or per month. The various payment plans are as follows:

1. As detailed above with 5% discount = R12 350 per annum

2. An amount of R3250 per school term = R13 000 per annum

3. An amount of R1300 per month for 10 months (Jan-Oct) = R13 000 per annum

Working for a company that maintains haraam websites

Q: I work in an IT company where they monitor and maintain the server of a website. That is we take care of all their backend and frontend problems and manage them according to the client requirements. Now the company has many websites which is haram like games of rummy played for real money and haram entertainment websites. The company also has good educational website. Is it permissible for me to work in this company and is it my earning halaal where I have to monitor and manage all these websites and make the website run smoothly irrespective of being halaal and haraam?

Going to an Aamil

Q: I wasn't feeling well, so I had an aamil check me on the phone. My friend told me about him. He is a hafiz and on Deen. So he has a lot reference people go to him. Alhumdulillah with the hukm of Allah people get cured. So he lives overseas. So if I call him on the cell and speak to him, he tell's you what is happening. Mow my yakin is on Allah only. So i was having bad foot pain and cramps so I called him and he told me put out your hand and close your hands and then he checks from there. He tells you what you have like a blood circulation problem and what medicine you have to take. Now he came to my country as well and he checked me. I had jinns, so he removed it by placing them in bottle. Now when I call him on the phone, he tells me you have to take this medicine and so on. I am worried is it shirk. I know only Allah knows everything only Allah is the curer. We used the means of the world but only Allah can give shifa. So by asking him from my country and he tells you put you hand out and then he ask if it heavy and he ask if you have pain here and there and then he tells you what illness you have, is listening to him shirk? I am worried about my Imaan. I want to die on Imaan.

Keeping the name Ayesha Fathima

Q: Can I name my daughter as "Ayesha Fathima" because I named my first daughter as "Arfa Fathima", I wanted to have "Fathima" as last name for both my daughters. Why I doubt is Ayesha is the name of Wife of Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam), and Fathima is the daughter of our beloved Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam).

Afraid to accept Islam

Q: I fear coming to Islam in America and I feel like I wouldn't be accepted by Islam or muslims and because I know the hatred here in America that's directed towards Islam here in America. America has done a lot of destruction to Muslim country's and there people and the media only shows how muslims and Islam hate the west and Americans that's why I'm afraid I wouldn't be accepted.

Husband refusing to have children

Q: I'm Married for the last one and a half year. My husband doesn't want a child for the next couple of years. He loves me a lot. But only this thing is unbearable for me. As I'm too passionate for having a child. We are not using any pills for this but we are using protection methods. I've started wondering that I will cheat him and will damage the protection. So in this way will accidentally get pregnant. I hope he will not be able to do anything in this case. But I love him so much and I am wondering that if this is cheating and Allah will not forgive me for this. Please let me know what should I do.

Husband referring to the wife as partner

Q: I just wanted to let you know that me and my husband both are British citizen. We are married and registered by the Islamic law,and completed our aqd in the mosque.we also have a Muslim marriage certificate. By the way,we did not register our wedding ceremony under the law of Britain. Some people say you have to register and some says that the Islamic marriage certificate is enough and we are legally married. The thing is,my husband always calls me as a "partner" instead of "wife". Even in council or doctor matters,he always says "my partner".it sounds a bit odd and upsetting to me that where Allah has made us husband and wife why do you have to hide that for? He got angry either me that I don't know the law system and he has to call me partner otherwise they would check if we are married under the British law or not.and he says that it's not important to call each other husband wife. My question is,is it right what he says?because I think it's some kind of morality and the word partner doesn't include in morality because that's what girlfriend boyfriend or lover says when they stay together without getting married. I feel so ashamed when my husband calls me partner but he doesn't seem to think this seriously. Is it right that he is calling me partner?