Making zikr

Q: My mother practices many zikars x-number of times as she’s been told by her late-brother that this brings much success. He was involved in Tableegh for MANY decades. I am trying to persuade my mother to abandon all this, and to solely act upon the authentic Sunnah. A close friend who is closely involved in Tabligh said to me that for me to abandon such practices is a sign of nifaqh, and as good as the Sunnah as it has supporting evidence from the Sunnah, that I am ignorant of. My questions: Is he correct? It’s a sign of nifaqh? Is it sinful for my mother to abandon all such practices, and solely rely on the Sunnah.


Q: A friend and I want to sell cars together. He has the experience in buying and I have the cash. This is how we wish to work.

1. He will find me the right car that is worth buying to resell.

2. I must buy the car myself with my money.

3. He will find me buyers.

4. I must sell the car myself to the buyer.

5. He (my friend) will get a cut from the profit of the sale.

Is this way of dealing correct? He will not put money in, but will basically do the work of finding the supply and buyers. I must do all transactions, If I loose for some reason he will not share the loss. He will only take a share in the profit of a winning deal.


Q: My wife missed her period cycle yesterday and when she did the pregnancy test, result is found to be positive. At the moment me and my wife are not planning for a baby. The reason is we have two daughters, elder 4 years while younger is 14 months. The younger is quite small and we are still in the process of adjusting her. Secondly the last two pregnancies of my wife were went very tough and she came to complete bed rest for at least 7 months of the whole pregnancy period. This creates issues in between us and reached to hard talks. And effects our relation and commitment with the kids as well. I travel a lot approximately 280 days a year due to my job requirement within and outside the country. This adds to our problems as well. This also gives us a less time to spend together and give proper attention to kids. Can we discontinue this pregnancy because of the abovementioned reasons. I seek guidance from you.