Will there be sun, moon, day and night in Jannah?
Q: Please tell whether there will be sun and moon in jannah and will there be day and night?
Q: Please tell whether there will be sun and moon in jannah and will there be day and night?
Q: A man divorced his wife but she is not accepting divorce and case is pending in court under IPC. Can this man do another nikaah with other lady?
Q: I plan on travelling overseas with my brother. The only issue is the accommodation wherein he has requested that I share the room with his step-son. He is currently 11 / 12 years. There shall be two single beds. Please advise if this is allowed.
Q: I just want to ask a question, does thoughts and images in your mind constitute hurmat-e-musaaharah. E.g when I want to hug my dad as a father or shake my hand I am scared to touch him because I remember hurmat-e-musaaharah and I don't want my nikah or my dad's nikah to be broken, so I get these thoughts of him. But I don't have no lustful feeling for him but I am scared. Second I am scared to have children. If I have a son and I have to kiss him as a mother even after he gets bigger or he holds me, I am worried about hurmat musaaharah. As a parent I would I like to love my kids and my parents. But what do I do with theses thoughts in mind. What is lust for a woman. I love my husband so much of course I don't have any feeling for my dad but I just have these thoughts.
Q: Is the cartoon the Muslim show within the Shariah and not considered drawing animate things? Is it permissible to read them?
Q: I would like to find out if the clapping of hands at awards ceremonies etc. are permitted?
Q: While putting clothes with najaasat on them in the washing machine, some of the clothes touched the outside of the machine. After washing, while taking out wet washed clothes, some part of the clothes touched the same spot of machine where najis clothes touched. My question is, did my wet clean clothes again became najis and should I wash them again?
Q: I ate a haraam thing. I ate an oyster. What should I do?
Q: Comment on killing spiders in one's home.
1) Can you give detailed explanation on why does a son has more share on the wealth of his parents than a daughter? How shall a property/asset be distributed among 4 daughters and a son?
2) What's the Islamic perspective of a daughter's lineage - Is her lineage regarded as her and her in laws' descendants only? I read somewhere that Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) stated about Hazrat Hussain (R.A) and Hazrat Hassan (R.A) being his bloodline whereas, generally, a child is a descendent of his father and beyond him.
3) Can we consider Hazrat Hajra being the most prominent islamic woman of all time - due to the obvious historical struggle she had in Makkah and her struggle is being remembered every year during hajj and umrah whereas no other woman has been given this much importance.