Taking back a gift

Q: I am a bit confused in regards to a matter, the issue is upon the death of my mum, my aunt asked for her Islamic clothes as a memoir but I gave it to her so that when my aunt wears my mum's clothes and prays in it, Isaal-e-Sawaab might go to my mum but it's unfortunate that I have never seen my aunt not once pray in those clothes. My wish was to take my mum to hajj but since she is no longer with me I wish to ask those clothes back from my aunt and wear it when I perform hajj. Now I know taking back gift is not a great idea but if I wear the clothes of my mum it will feel like she is with me when I am performing hajj. Can you please advise me if I should ask back the clothes which I bought for my mum and gave it to my aunt, in return I will buy her brand new clothes?


Q: Ahmed had a property in the uk worth £400,000 pound it was on his name and his wife, they owned it half half. And ahmed had 1 acre of land in pakistan worth £100,000. And in his bank in Pakistan he's got in pounds roughly £190,000. Currently his wife is alive. He has 2 sons one daughter. He has 3 brothers. Everybody else like his mother his father are passed away. Please tell me how much goes to each person after his death?

Is it the duty of the husband's parents to see to the needs of his wife and children?

Q: I would like to know if a husband in Islam is not financially capable of taking care of his wife and children. Does it become his parents responsibility to take care of their needs? Is it okay for man to marry a woman if he does not have a Job and he knows he can't support her? Would it then also be his parents responsibility to take care of them financially, even though he knew going into the marriage that he won't be able to support her?

Father running a bottle store

Q: My question is regarding haraam income. My uncle used to run a sharab shop (bar) but now he is no more. He had taken a loan and there was no one to return the loan so my dad took the responsibility to return the loan but my dad got involved in the sharab shop (bar) and started to return the loan. The entire loan is returned but my dad is still working in the sharab shop (bar). Please suggest me what I am do. He provides haram income to my family members, friends, relative and also myself.