
Q: Regarding the creatures of the ocean, kingklip is a species of cusk eel which lack scales. What is the shariah view on the permissibility of such? Furthermore, if not halaal, what about contamination and eating at an outlet that cooks/serves kingklip?

Bleeding due to medication

Q: My question is a woman who never gets periods neither can she give birth, if she takes medicine monthly and because of those pills she discharges blood, is that considered as periods? If she skips her medicine, then theres no discharge of blood. Please answer me soon. It's very important.

Mother getting the daughter married without the permission of the father

Q: I have  a lot of proposals for my daughter but they are not good. They dont pray and haram income. One good proposal came, he prays and is always attending the masjid and halaal income Masha Allah, but her father refused him because he is not from Yemen, he is from Libya and half Egyptian. Can I marry my daughter by force with out my husband's consent in this situation because he would rather give her to a zany as long as he is from Yemen then a practicing Muslim from a different country. What can I do in this situation.

Did Hazrat Umar (Radiyallahu Anhu) divorce his wives because they were unable to conceive?

Q: Did Hazrat Umar (Radiyallahu Anhu) really divorced his two wives for the reason they were unable to conceive. If yes, how can an act of a person who is so respectable in the religion - considering he did have his kids from other wives and there were great Prophets in the history who had wives unable to have children yet they weren't respected, rather they were kept as wives and their statuses were honored forever.

Working for a bank

Q: My cousin has done diploma in civil engineering. Recently he got a job in a bank, where his duty includes monitoring the construction, maintenance and repair of bank's buildings. Is his income halaal or haraam? Can I eat something he offers when I visit his place?

Women performing Salaah at a petrol station

Q: I understand it is not good to travel without valid sharai' reason. However, I had to travel by car to another city because my husband was insisting to take me with him. During safar came time of asar, so he stopped at a gas station. There was an open masjid, where he told me to offer namaz. I did so, and at that time I did not remove my gloves, and kept my veil (which covers face and eyes) on. The reason was that it was an open masjid, and there were gas station's workers around. Is my salah valid, or should I repeat? I didn't feel good praying like this with na-mehram men around, but there was no other option.