Husband saying if he sleeps with his wife in the future it will be like zina

Q: If during an argument between husband and wife, husband says if he sleeps with his wife in future it will be like zina. Husband has no intention of giving divorce to his wife. Husband also is not aware of the ruling /punishment for that saying. What is his position now and what should he do? Is it any where close to zihaar.

Three talaaqs after khalwat

Q: I want to know about the ruling when one man gives divorce three times to his wife after nikaah before rukhsati but they want to remarry, Is halaala required? Or if after nikah before rukhsati, they met together and made romance kiss or foreplay but rukhsati did not take place and he gave his wife talaaq. In this situation what is ruling if they want to remarry? And last one after rukhsati husband made foreplay with his wife but not ful sexual intercourse. What is the ruling if he divorces his wife three times in one place, if he want her back as his wife, is halaala required?