Making zikr and reciting durood during haidh
Q: Is it permissible to recite ayat-e-karima and durood tunajjina during haidh?
Q: Is it permissible to recite ayat-e-karima and durood tunajjina during haidh?
Q: I want to know that can a person offer any Salaah during zawaal time in the evening? I had heard some Mufti saying that the particular day's asr can be offered. What is the time for zawaal before maghrib?
Q: I would like to know if there is any reward for the discomfort and pain experienced on account of istihaaza.
1. Is it true that if one recites Surah Yaaseen for a deceased, then any punishment that the deceased may be undergoing will be alleviated for that day?
2. Apart from asking for the forgiveness of the deceased, are there any specific surahs that can be recited to benefit the deceased?
Q: I am feeling muscular twitches and also my eye is twitching quite a lot whenever I read manzil or do some other zikr. I want to know what does this mean. please help.
Q: I am in a relationship with a girl who is my relative since the past 7 months and I really love her a lot and have strong plans of getting married to her. We got physical a few times as in kissing and touching but never in intercourse. I even talked to my parents about this but my father doesn't agree due to relationships going wrong between her families. My question is how do I convince my parents on this and will I be considered as disobedient if I go against them and is there any way I can repent for my sins. I am really confused and I want to get married to her in accordance to Islam and can't think of any alternative.
Q: Someone purchased some goods from me online. I had it sent to him via a courier service. The goods have not reached him and cannot be traced. How should the situation be resolved and who is liable for the loss?
Q: Does the practice of the mother in law putting burfee in the daughter in laws mouth at the time of her proposal have any basis in Islam?
Q: As I am no longer a teenager it is obviously impossible for me to turn back into a teenager even if I make dua for such a thing to happen. From the hadeeth which speaks about the last person to enter jannah, we know that not all Muslims will get to Jannah immediately and some will have to burn in jahannam first. So it is impossible for all Muslims to be saved from jahannam. Therefore what is the point of the ulama asking us to make dua to Allah to save all Muslims from jahannam when it is an impossibility that all Muslims will be safe from jahannam?
Q: Please how can I know if I've been affected by Jinn, Sihr or a spell of any sort?