Guiding one's family

Q: How should a person who belongs to a modern family and has been guided by Allah Ta'ala deal with his family? If the family does not observe pardah, listen to music, watch movies etc. How can this person interact with them so their feelings are not hurt and he is away from haram? Should he openly state that since a certain action is haram he will not allow it or get involved in it or should let this happen while trying to explain them the dangers until eventually they stop themselves?

Waking up to adjust one's leg while sitting in Salaah

Q: When I am Salah in the first sitting, I cannot point my big toe forward sometimes as it cramps up so I have to move forward and just sit with my toes on the floor. Sometimes I do it just before it happens even though it has not cramped up I do it in preparation for it. Will this be regarded as too much movement and invalidate my Salaah? I sort get half up and then readjust my toe and sit down.

Watching videos

Q: I have a mental disability where I experience uncontrollable behaviour and actions. I some times watch videos online on against my will and watch videos that are posted from sources where you had to pay in order to watch them. I have no idea if the person that posted the videos had asked for consent from the correct people in order to post the videos online due to the rights of the videos not belonging to them. When I watch the videos, I try to do every physical and mental thing that Allah allows me to do but sometimes I space out and my mind starts watching them instead of looking away. I sometimes experience my intentions going all over the place and sometimes I literally forget what I am doing or what intention I am doing for. I sometimes watch these videos not willingly and then sometimes I forget and I feel that "heart bump" when you sin. My question is did I steal and what can I do about this situation. I have symptoms of epilepsy.

Martial Arts

Q: I was wondering if it is permissible to do chi related martial arts. Chi related practices stem from doaist or buddist practices from what I know but I also heard that there are energy principles in Islam in which I am not familiar with.

Irregular bleeding for nifaas

Q: My aadat for nifas is 40 days and for haiz it keeps on changing but is always between 4 to 7 days. I delivered a baby on 16 september. I bled for 20 days, then because of 3 c sections I had copper t inserted on 24 october, bleeding started on 25 october and continued till 3 november. I am myself a doctor and I know that irregular bleeding is a side effect of copper t for first 3 months. I started bleeding again on 21 November only for 2 days. Then after 10 days again some bleeding now started. Which days wiĺl be haiz and which istihaza? This irregular bleeding is due to copper t as per medical information.


Q: When I feel awkward or low continuously for two to three days then the next I fast and I feel relaxed. I want to know if there is anything wrong in doing so?