The time of ishraaq Salaah


1. When does the time of Ishraaq end?

2. A person engages in Zikr after Fajr Salaah till the commencement of Ishraaq. He stops his Zikr, performs his Ishraaq at this earliest time, and thereafter resumes his Zikr until completion. Will it be better for him to complete all his Zikr first, and then perform his Ishraaq Salaah? Or will it be better to pause his Zikr and perform Ishraaq at the earliest time?

Signing a divorce paper for visa purposes

Q: My question to you is my husband has made a fake divorced paper for UK visa residency purpose. This paper is signed by him and is registered in our country. But this paper has never been given to me but my husband has informed me about this stupid act of his. On asking my husband says plainly his intention is never to give me talaq and this document is to be used only for visa purposes. I want to know am I divorced this way? If I am divorced this way do we have to do nikaah again? Please guide me properly.

Taking a females exam from behind a veil

Q: Can you please advise if a female is allowed to give quraan imtihaan to a Moulana from behind a veil. Generally we have Moulana's taking imtihaan in our maktab madrasahs and to accommodate the girl students who have reached the age of puberty we provide a place where they can sit and be tested on their Quraan from behind a curtain. However the Moulana's cannot see the girls at all but only listen to them reading the Quraan. Is this permissible?

Respect for parents

Q: I have been listening since childhood that no matter what, we have to respect our mothers. But what if the mother is characterless? My mother secretly met a man and had very dangerous plans with eloping with him. I somehow came to know this and informed my father. My father spoke to her but she is not willing to stay back and marry the other man. How can I respect such a mother? She has no affection towards her children also. I have been suffering a lot past few months. Please guide me.

Marital problems

Q: A woman is married for 10 years. She claims to have fallen out of love with her husband. They have one child – who is still an infant. The husband feels that they should stay together, especially in the interests of the child. What recourse does the woman have in attaining a divorce? What should the role of the parents be? (on both sides).