Writing the Salaam incorrectly

Q: Please explain the severity of writing Salams, Slmz, Salam Alaykum, Slms etc instead of writing Assalamu Alaykum. People think it's no big deal when you tell them. From a scholarly point of view please elaborate why these abbreviations and versions of conveying Salam are incorrect?

Giving a bribe

Q: Offering or accepting bribe is indeed forbidden in Islam. However there are times when one is really helpless and cannot gain one's right or avoid being subject to to injustice except through bribery. This question is on behalf of my friend. "I am running an export oriented industry for which water is most essential. My water flow meter's visibility has become quite dull for which I approached the concerned authorities to allow permission to me for purchase of new meter as I fear that the current meter reading is also not clearly visible. I have been asked to send this meter for testing which I have done but the officials demand bribe for giving the permission to me to purchase new water flow meter which is my right. Delays will put me to great losses in my business. My question is that under the above circumstances if I fulfil their unjust demands would I be committing the major sin and face Allah's Wrath?"

Making sabar

Q: I got married before one and a half years. Fourth days after my marriage. My husband met an accident. He had brain surgery. At present he
is paralysed on one side. He has a memory problem, can't talk clearly, can't make sentences, he can't work. After the accident I was caring for him for one year. Between this I suffered lot from my mother in-law. Nobody is caring for me. I am very stressed. Within forty days my life changed. After one year I prayed ishikara and I am planing to divorce him, but my husband's parents and not giving divorce and they simply extending the days. My parents are planning to do faskh. I want to know about faskh and how to do it?


Q: I suffer from urinary dribbling after using the washroom. I try my best, before I have to pray, to make it stop. Thereafter, I proceed to make wudhu and to pray. However, during prayer, I experience (very regularly) the feeling of something coming out. But I just choose to ignore this feeling, dismissing it as mere doubt and waswaas, and I continue praying (saying to myself that nothing came out). My question is, is it necessary for me to check, after prayer, if something did in fact come out? If it is necessary, what is the status of all those prayers I prayed where I did not check?

Living with one's grand father due to abuse

Q: I am a Muslim. My dad drinks alcohol and comes home in the evening and my step mother complains to my dad for simple mistakes and my dad abuses me and sometime beats me. Every day this happens. I have no freedom. They treat me like a prisoner. Recently I left home and came to my grand fathers house. Life here is peaceful. My father is calling me back but I am scared to go because those things will occur again in my life. I don't want to go back. My grand father is supporting me too. But I have a doubt should I go or should I live live with my grand father. Please help me and
give me the best answer according to Islam.

Being separated from one's husband for ten years

Q: My sister has not lived with her husband for almost 10 years now. She has nothing to do with him as husband and wife, she feels nothing for him as her husband. She got married  in Pakistan, but she lives in Denmark. She has been divorced in the Danish paper, but he has not signed, and according to Danish law they are not husband and wife any more , but her ex-husband denies , and admits that she is still his wife. How are the rules for a woman if she wants to be divorced?