Irregular bleeding

Q: I would like to know what to do when I get my monthly period. For the first 2 or 3 days I get a coloured discharge 1 or 2 times a day thereafter I start bleeding for a few days. How do I calculate my period from the start of the bleeding or discharge. When I see the discharge must I perform salaah. If I see the discharge at one salaah time and for the next few salaah I don't see anything must I make wudhu and perform salaah?

Diluted ZamZam

Q: Does the Hadith "Zamzam is for the purpose it is drunk for" apply also for a small amount of zamzam which has been mixed with tap water? Also, should we recite the dua "Allaahumma innee assaluka ilman nafia [..]" when drinking such diluted zamzam water? I am asking since I heard that the qualities of zamzam remain even after dilution.