Will believing jinns also go to Jannah?
Q: Will the mumin jinns also enter in to Jannah like humans?
Q: Will the mumin jinns also enter in to Jannah like humans?
Q: My mother passed away almost 3 years before. And my father even before. I always think how will be their condition now. And Is there any wazaif to speak to my parents in dreams or to know their condition. Please tell me.
Q: I live in a joint family. It makes a lot of problems for me. My husband is not agreeing to live separately. I have no issues with my mother in law she
also wants that like her two sons my husband also should live in a separate home but the main problem is my husband is not agreeing. I can't force him. I never fight or argue with him on any matter. Please tell me some wazifa to make my husband agree. I have four kids.
Q: Is using beer shampoo haram if it is not alcoholic?
Q: I wanted to know that with regards to being a musaafir, is makkah and madinah considered as one city? Some say that its not - if this is your view, then what is the proof for it and if it is not considered as one, then some say its urf. Whats the proof that this masalah is based on urf?
Q: My apartment complex offers an incentive to pay rent one week earlier than the due date. The apartment complex holds a raffle with the names of all the people who pay their rent early and the winner of the raffle gets $400 in cash. Last month, I paid my rent early and my name was drawn in the raffle, so they gave me $400. Is this money halaal for me to use?
Q: If a person has a committed a sin in the past and has made tawbah for that particular sin how does he not feel guilty about not telling his future spouse, as it is obviously forbidden to reveal your sins. So if the sin was done in the past (and it is not a sin that would affect the marriage or the spouse) how does a person not feel guilty about telling his future spouse? Why should you not feel guilty about not telling your future spouse about it?
Q: Today at zuhr I had experienced a lot of doubts in the prayer and here is the list:
1. Weak doubt happened after sujood about back being straight in 1st rak'ah.
2. Whether accidentally extending the meem in Sami Allaahu liman hamidah, unsure.
3. In my 3rd rak'ah I stood straight up from sujood, and then doubted whether I made two sujood or not, as I was already standing I didn't go back and I could only be firm in that I definitely made 1 sujood but doubtful about 2nd and as 2 sujood is one of the essentials for a valid rak'ah I made full Tashahhud in my 4th rak'ah and stood up to let that 4th rak'ah take the place of the third in which I doubted the two sujood.
4. In the replacement rak'ah I doubted saying Rabbi instead of Rabbil Aalameen, but it's a very weak doubt.
5. During the sujood I then rose and again doubted whether I did 1 or 2 sujood, I think after beginning Tashahhud or maybe before. It seems like a pressure doubt, as. I don't want my salaah to be invalid. Anyway I recall having Rabbighfirlee in my mind and this just leads me to thinking its probably a doubt, "but what if its not?"
Then during this with my wandering thoughts, after the Shahadah I said something starting with ashhadu and ending in Qadeer, but before that I already said the Shahadah so I repeated it mistakenly, even though I said something different.
Then said salaams and did two sujood out of forgetfulness and even in here I doubted about saying the full durood.
What should I do? I have regular doubts affecting me in prayer and Wudoo'. Do I repeat the prayer?
Q: An argument I hear of Atheists and non muslims is that religion and Islam also say that sexual pleasure is only allowed within the bonds of marriage, however the rebuttle that they mention is that marriage existed before religion came. What is the answer for this question?
Q: If somebody uses "ma shaa Allaah" sarcastically in response to a sarcastic sentence, this is surely wrong, is it not? And is this kufr? Secondly, if someone laughs at the use of sarcasm here have they done kufr?