Who is a salafi and wahhaabi?

Q: Can Mufti saheb please explain regarding what a salafi and wahhabi is... How it began... What are the reasons why should we follow a mazhab... How to protect ourselves from falling into it's trap... How should we treat people who follow it...

Can mufti saheb also tell me of any authentic kitaab to read to educate myself regarding salafism and wahhabism

Performing tawaaf ziyaarat in normal clothes

Q: I made Hajj and on the 10th I did the rami and then shaved my hair and took off my ihraam towels and used itr etc. After that I did my Tawaaf ziyaarat and then did saee. The Tawaaf ziyaarat and saee I did in normal clothes because I had taken off my ihraam. Now someone says that it is not permissible to do saee without Ihraam towels. Is this correct?

Is it permissible to do Tawaaf ziyaarat and saee without Ihraam towels? I did ifrad Hajj and did the same after Tawaaf ziyaarat.

Expecting praises of people when wearing nice clothes

Q: A person likes to wear smart and matching clothes, e.g. kurta, jacket, socks and shoes. At the same time he desires that people should praise him because of his clothes and gets happy when people say that you are  looking very smart today. Hence when dressing he always has this in mind that I should wear nice clothes so people can praise me. How can a person remove this spiritual malady from his heart and life?