Woman earning more reward for performing ibaadah in her hotel room when going for umrah

Q: With regards to women performing Umrah, I've been advised that it's preferred they make ibaadah individually. However, my question is if a woman has the correct intentions and adopts strict pardah and makes tawaaf and performs salaah in the Haram Shareef, is she rendered sinful in this regard?

Collecting the company phone which one forgot while out for work

Q: A person has a phone for work purposes. The phone is old and the battery no longer lasts the full day. If he goes somewhere for work purposes and forgets the phone there because it's flat and he is forced to use his own phone. Is he liable to go and pick up the company phone with his own money or will he be allowed to use the company vehicle to go and get the phone?

Assisting one's drug addict father in fulfilling all his halaal needs

Q: My children's father is addicted to drugs. 

I do not feel comfortable with them spending time in his company & I'm advising them to help him with food only if he gets sick as I feel they are enabling his habit. He manipulates them to feel sympathy for him & uses them for money, transport, food etc. Am I incorrect for doing this?