Questions relating to ghusal


  1. I soaped my body and under private parts and arm pits twice so is my ghusl done and I forgot to put water in the belly button and in the ears so I went back in and put water in the ears and belly button. Is my ghusl done?
  2. I was laying down and my legs were closed together and I could feel jerks like a few but not like the ones when semen comes out so would I need to do ​ghusl in the Mornning? There was no liquid and the tip was dry.
  3. While I was reading fajr I felt a strain in the penis but I don't know if anything came out

Medical aid

Q: If a person has a disease such as HIV/AIDS and cannot afford the medication (1000$/month). Is it permissible to get insurance or use insurance benefits from work that one pays for in part?

Discipline and moderation in one's eating

Q: I am fond of eating food three times a day e.g. breakfast, lunch and dinner and in between these meals I eat some kind of snacks like sandwiches or samoosas etc and I am doing this for a very long time and it has become a habit. I feel shamed and regret for what I am doing but this thing has become so habitual that upon trying to quit I cannot, I can just control for one or two days and again I do the same. Is this a sinful Act? Please advise on this matter. 

Hadith Question

Q: Is there a hadith that was collected by Al-Bayhaqi in which the Prophet said: 'Say what is true, although it may be bitter and displeasing to people.'? If so, can you give the exact reference? And is the hadith authentic in its meaning?