The standard by Allah
Q: I am asking these questions on behalf of somebody else who says he has issues about the age of Aaisha radi Allahu `anhaa when the marriage was consummated amongst other things.
These are his questions, (would be grateful if answered):
QUOTE "Ok, I agree that may be helpful:
1) What is the definition(s) of a "child" in the Shari'ah?
2) What is the definition(s) of "child abuse" in the Shari'ah?
3) What rights that a child has under the Shari'ah?
4) What is the definition(s) of a Guardian (Wali) in the Shari'ah?
5) Who can be the Guardian (Wali) of a female child? Is there a difference for male children?
6) What rights does a Guardian (Wali) have over the female child? Is there a difference for male children?
7) What are the responsibilities that a Guardian has towards the child? What practical provisions does the Shari'ah set in place to ensure that the Guardian is fulfilling these responsibilities?
8) What are the responsibilities that a female child has towards the guardian? What practical provisions does the Shari'ah set in place to ensure that the Guardian is fulfilling these responsibilities?
9) Please give Shari'ah definition(s) of a marriage contract and what does it mean when someone has entered into a marriage contract? What would have to take place to have the marriage contract annulled?
10) Are there any valid Shar'i opinions from the 4 major Mathaahib that state that a Guardian/Wali may marry of a female under his guardianship without their consent?
If these are answered I'll have a few more questions based upon the answers of these questions. I put definition with a bracketed 's' indicating that I would like to know all valid opinions on these matters, not just the opinions of a single mathab, maslak, etc." QUOTE