Quarrels and fights

Q: I am a student and I have my friends in my room who were my friend since my last 10 years but now we have some clashes and an extreme hatred have come between us. Now I have the power to remove them from my room. Now please tell me some reasonable solution? Also give me reference to the solution.

Musta'mal water


  1. A person who has disability is unable to raise the feet up to the sink basin for wudhu so she gets a bucket of water, takes water from the bucket puts water on the right foot with the hand and the mustamal (used) water falls in the same bucket which has clean water, then she uses the same water for the left foot, the question is if musta'mal and clean water mixes together can it be used for washing the left foot?
  2. In the above situation is the wudhu valid?
  3. If the wudhu was not valid does the salah have to be repeated, which was prayed with the washing of the feet with mustamal (used) water and clean water mixed together?

Doubts about urine drops

Q: Fajr time I came out of washrum offered namaz then when I opened the book to recite surah yasin I felt some warm drops in my private parts. I thought that it was a waswasa and continued but after reciting I checked. There was very little moisture on my thighs and there were drops in my private parts which can be the result of water I used during istinja. I don't understand whether I was in wudhu or not?


Q: I want to ask something related to dreams. I saw that I was going somewhere and I told someone to read surah Nasr and recited the first ayah of it till wal fath and then surah faatiha?