Salaatul Istikhaara

Q: I would like to know if it is permissible to recite Salaatul Istikhara even if you only intend on marrying the desired person after a couple of years. I have heard that after reading the Salaah then nikaah should not be delayed. Please can you also tell me more about the Salaatul Istikhara that is read on a persons behalf, also what are the conditions of that Salaah?

Inheritance Question

Q: My father died 25 years back leaving behind his wife (our mother), 3 daughters and one son. 

  1. How will be the estate divided?
  2. I am asking my brother to divide the property and give my share to me but he is not doing so. I have 5 daughters. My husband has already died. I want to give my share to my daughters only in my life. What can be done? Is it possible to write will?

Inheritance Question

Q: If a grown up unmarried girl dies leaving behind her mother, her four sisters, two uncles (father's brother), one aunt (father's sister), one uncle (mother's brother), one aunt (mother's sister). How will her property be divided?

Esha & Taraweeh Salaah at home

Q: We are curently performing Esha Salaah and Taraweeh Salaah at our home. The closest Musjid is about 4-5 kms away. There is a musallah which is 2 kms away. Someone mentioned to me that it isn't permissible for us to perform the esha Salaah at our home. We have to perform Esha Salaah at the Musjid and then return home to perform the Taraweeh. Please advise?

Should the Muqtadi complete his attahiyyaat and then stand up or should he follow the Imaam

Q: To recite attahiyaat is waajib in the 1st sitting of 4 rakaats Salaah. If it is missed then sajdah sahw becomes waajib. Sometimes the Imaam recites the attahiyyaat very quickly and then stands up whilst many muqtadees have not finished their attahiyyaat. Should they follow the Imaam immediately or should they complete their attahiyyaat and then stand? 

Addicted to porn

Q: I am a married man with kids. However, I have been addicted to porn and cyber sex. My wife doesn't know, but i feel I cheat her and also commit a grave sin. I have tried to stop and repent many times but after a break of a month or so I start again. I feel hopeless and fear marriage break up and later on hell in my after life. Knowing I have made gunah-e-kabeera and that I have back tracked after repenting, is there hope for me? What should I do to cleanse myself and be hopeful of paradise?