Performing Qurbaani at night
Q: Is it permissible to perform qurbaani during the night?
Q: Is it permissible to perform qurbaani during the night?
Q: Can qurbaani be performed on the 12th of Zul Hijjah?
Q: If a person living in a town sends his animal to the village and the animal was slaughtered there before the Eid Salaah could take place in the city, will the qurbaani be valid?
Q: What does emulating the kuffaar mean? Is it only confined to clothing or does it also relate to other aspects of one's life? We see the kuffaar driving cars and eating and drinking in plates and cups and we Muslims also do the same. Is this not also emulating the kuffaar in our actions?
Q: Is it permissible to make qurbaani before the Eid Salaah?
Q: When does the time of qurbaani commence?
Q: A masbooq missed one rakaat with the Imaam. When the Imam sat in Qa'ada Akheera the masbooq recited the durood and dua. Should he make sajda sahwu after he completes his missed rakaat?
Q: Is qurbaani waajib on a musaafir?
Q: Upon whom is qurbaani waajib?
Q: Is it halaal to eat meat of Christians and Jews?