Forgetting to sit for the last qa'dah

Q: A person was performing a four rakaat fardh salaah. After performing the fourth rakaat, he did not sit for the qa'dah but forgetfully stood up for the fifth rakaat. He then made ruku and sajdah in the fifth rakaat, sat for tashahhud and made salaam.

What is the status of his salaah? Is his fardh salaah valid or does he have to repeat his salaah?

Winding up the estate of a deceased who had a running business

Q: My father passed away about 2 years ago. Following legal proceedings, his estate is almost wound up. His assets include cash, a Kruger Rand and a business that is still running. We would now like to distribute his remaining assets as per Islamic Law. He left behind his wife, 4 daughters, 1 son, and his mother. He also has 1 surviving brother and 5 sisters. Please advise on the following:

1. What fraction of the estate will each heir receive?

2. In terms of dividing the assets among the heirs: is each heir entitled to a share of the business? Or can some receive their share in cash whilst others receive a part of the business as their share?

3. If an heir who is entitled to a share of the business decides that she does not want her part of the business and would rather like to take her share of the business in monetary value, what value should be used to calculate how much she should be paid out? Should we use the current value of the business or the value of the business at the time of his death, in order to calculate the amount that she should be paid out?

NB: During these 2 years, whilst the estate was being wound up, my mother and brother have been running the business, for which they take a salary (like any other worker). Money from the business was also used for running my father's household (rent, etc.), as he would normally do whilst he was alive. The remaining profits generated during this time have remained in the business. (Please indicate if this has any bearing on the estate distribution.) 

Entering into a partnership

Q: I am living in Dubai and I bought a limousine on instalments. I paid the down payment. I have a cousin who is working with me night shift. He did not pay anything for the limousin. I paid everything. Before buying the car, we agreed that we will share the profit half half end of the month. Now my question is, can I take a little more money?

Forgoing Salaah with Jamaat in the Musjid due to not possessing good clothes

Q: I am a teenager. I fullfil my daily salah with jammat but now I can't go to the musjid because I have no more clothes. I have only old clothes which is not in that condition to go musjid with wearing them. I suffered some financial crisis also I am a teenager so my clothes are unusable very fast as I grow but nowadays I am fullfiling my salaah at home. I know this is not the way of the prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) but when I get clothes, I will rejoin musjid insha Allah. I am also very poor. Making clothes only in eid or some events, so this is only problem of some months, so what should I do?