Paying back an interest loan or delaying it until it is written off

Q: My question is about the UK student loans. I took out the loan to go to university not knowing back then that it was haraam. The UK student finance does't require you to pay anything back until you earn above a certain amount. However it does start taking interest from day one of the loan being given. I have now started a job and will have to pay back the loan which is taken out of my salary every month. 

My question is whether it is better for me to try and save up and get rid of the loan as soon as possible or is it ok if I continue paying as it is as the loan gets wiped off after 30 years. Either way I am paying interest.

The first option means I get rid off my debt as soon as possible, whilst the second one means that I may end up not even paying back as much as I borrowed as the loan gets woed out after 30 years. Whilst pursuing the second option I would contribute more to charirty inshaAllah. I need advise on which path is better.