Hadith on gossiping

Q: In the below hadeeth, kindly elaborate the point of gossiping as it is quite a common act these days to kill time among the young ones and women.

Sayyiduna Mughirah ibn Shu'bah (radhiyallahu 'anhu) reports that Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam) said: 'Indeed Allah has forbidden for you:
1. Disobedience of mothers,
2. Refusing to pay what is due, but claiming what isn't due, and
3. Burying your daughters alive,

and He dislikes for you:
1. Gossiping
2. Asking too much, and
3. Wastage of wealth.

(Sahih Bukhari, Hadith: 5975, 6473, 1477 and Sahih Muslim, Hadith: 4458-4461. Also see Sahih Muslim, Hadith: 4456)

Intimacy with one's spouse

Q: I am married for 6 years and want to have clarity on some topics which will sound disgusting but if I have clear and right information about the same I will carry on forward.

1. In Islam, is it allowed to see, rub, caress, kiss one's wifes anus after cleaning that area and making sure nothing unhygienic is there.

2. Since anal sex is haraam, can I massage/rub with my finger on my wifes anus. I wont be doing any penetration with hand/penis.

3. Can I have sex with my wife in the bathroom and kitchen or any other place in my home.

Avoiding problems

Q: Please advise if what I did was wrong.

My family had a quarell so I was asked to explain what happened? I spoke the truth. Now, my granny says I'm wrong for speaking the truth. It hurts because I thought speaking the truth is the right thing to do.

Marrying one's uncle's daughter after touching her mother with lust

Q: I touched my uncle's wife (mami) with lust when I was 16 or 17 years old. I imagined her while doing a bad thing. I also touched my private part to hers when she was sleeping and kissed her but she didn't noticed. I am very shamefull and regret that.

Now I want to marry my uncle's daughter (mami's daughter). Can I marry her?

Taking a remuneration for collecting money for a school

Q: With a lot of effort, I collected around $1500 for some civil work for an Islamic school. I left all my work for around a month and got all the work done under my presence. Some time I stood there for the whole night. Finally the whole work done was wondeful.

During this one month I earned nothing, kept away from my struggling business. In this case will it be allowed if I keep just $80 out of contribution for myself?

Keeping dogs

Q: I owned a dog, although I don't currently have one. I became aware of the Hadith that keeping dogs as pets is prohibited, they may be kept for security reasons or as a guide dog for the blind. Based on this, I gave the dog to a person who would care for it and keep it since I acquired it as a pet.

However I borrow the dog from this person once a week, sometimes I borrow it for 1-2 hrs per week. Since childhood I had this wish to keep a dog although I didn’t know till now it was prohibited. I don’t allow the dog in the house while I borrow it. I also wear a tracksuit made of polyester material so that if the dogs saliva comes into contact, I can purify it with soil 7 times. In addition, I have also trained the dog to not lick.

Now with regards to keeping of dogs you may ask me why I’m keeping a dog and I know it’s haram that’s why I have given it to somebody who can care for it but during the week I sometimes play with it since I always had this wish to play with dogs and InshaAllah, I will try my best to get rid of this haram desire but until then can I keep the dog in this way until I’m no longer interested in this dog.