Divorcing one's wife for insulting one's mother

Q: My wife insulted my mother for jealousy over my second wife. My second wife used to live with my mother. Initially my wife who lives with my mother phoned my other wife through my mother's phone and insulted her, as a result she called back to my mother's phone and insulted my mother badly. She used disgusting words when she was insulting my beloved mother.

What should be my reaction to this, shall I divorce her or not? Please advice me on this matter.


Q: If I touched my mom with lust and hurmat-e-musaahara occurred, now I repented a lot and promise to Allah that I will never do it again.

1. Is my mom still a mahram for me, and do we still have the relationship of "son and mom" ?

2. Do I still have the relationship of "father and son" with my father?


Q: I have a question regarding esaal-e-thawab. When we do a normal act but for the sake of Allah we get rewarded. For example, if we eat with the intention of being able to fast the next day, then we are rewarded for this intention even though eating is not an 'ibaadah in itself.

My question is: can we donate this kind of reward to the deceased (even though it does not come from a direct form of 'ibaadah) or is it only reward from direct types of worship (praying, fasting, etc.) that can be rewarded?