Married man seeing a girl he wished to marry previously

Q: I have recently come from hajj with my wife. I am still in Madinah. On my way to Makkah, on the same flight was a girl I wanted to marry previously. There was an attachment previously but her mother said no. It was such a test to see her and I constantly questioned myself why Allah wanted me to see her just before hajj. Through the days of hajj Alhamdulillah I managed to suppress the feelings. Last few days all the feelings I had previously for her are resurfacing, and I have a loving wife who seems to notice that I have been a bit sad lately. I don't know what to do in this situation. My desires are to be able to see her face one last time. But I know it is wrong. How do I approach this. How do I get over this? 

Will a conditional divorce remain after halaala?

Q:If a person gives his wife talaq-e-baain by saying I don't want to live with you get out from my house, and his intentions are also divorce. Now, his wife is no more in his nikah but he did not accept that that kind of talaq will happen and others also do not accept it. His wife tried not to go near him then he went out of the country for earning purposes and he said to his wife, if I will not send you 25000 every month then it means I divorce you. He did not send his wife the money and again divorced her.

His wife married some other person after iddat and he also divorced her after her iddat then she married her first husband again because of his child and her first husband also asked her for apologies.

Kindly tell me that that condition which her first husband said to her that if I will not send you 25000 than you are divorced (please remember that her husband said these words after talaq-e-baain and before divorce words or you can say between talaq-e-baain and talaq-e-raji) is this condition the same for her after halaala or now she is free from this condition?

Repairing damaged Quraans from the musjid and keeping few copies at home

Q: My husband bought some damaged Qurans from the local masjid to our home around 18 months ago. He repaired the broken spines and returned many. However he has kept a few in our house and also in my in laws house because they are large print. At the time I raised my concern they are community property. Im concerned they are waqf, perhaps donated by someone in the community for local charity, and now we have them in our house and my in laws house. Neither house (mine or my in laws) refers to them.

Should we return the Qurans or keep them? If we must return them what should we do as repentance?

Will divorce take place if one tells someone that he will divorce his wife?

Q: Please advise if talaaq takes place in the following incidents:

1. Telling my wife that we will get divorced.

2. Telling my brother in law and wife that I have decided (meaning that I have decided that I want to and will divorce my wife).

3. Telling my father in law that my wife and I both decided that it is best for us to get divorced.

4. Telling my mother that there's no other option (meaning that there's no other option for my wife and I other than getting divorced)